This is yet another example of news journalists' failure to verify the accuracies of their stories before they go to print. According to today's Ming Pao,
內地網絡近日流傳一篇〈誰能告訴我:女學生如此大膽裸拍到底為什麼〉的帖子,其中刊載了多張女中學生暴露照片,部分女生稱受網上熱炒的「香港藝人裸照」等事件啟發,自發組織炮製的一份畢業留念人體電子相簿,卻未有加密碼導致流出,引起軒然大波。Using Google, one can easily locate the anonymous blogger who (by the way, according to Ming Pao, his name is 「君傲」) first leaked this information. In his weblog, there are indeed a number of photos of young girls who posed nude. But you know, speaking of nudity, erotica or pornography, there are many experts in mainland China. Yesterday, a person who identified himself/herself as 'sam' pointed out that except the first ten or so photos, all the rest of the 100+ photos actually come from the Japanese porn website やっぱり写メが好き. This 'sam' even listed the URLs of all the original photos.
Had the editor at Ming Pao ever tried to verify the accuracy of this news story, he or she would not have published another piece of fake news.