澳洲藝術雜誌 Art Monthly 今期因為以一幅六歲女孩的裸照為封面,引起軒然大波。照片的主角 Olympia Nelson 今年十一歲,照片為她的母親 Polixeni Papapetrou 在 2003 年所攝,題為 Olympia as Lewis Carroll's Beatrice Hatch before White Cliffs,是 Polixeni 的 Dreamchild 系列的其中一張 。澳洲總理陸克文 (Kevin Rudd) 形容這幅照片難以忍受,他威脅說若 Art Monthly 以後不遵從有關展示兒童圖片的新規定,他將會撤除對此雜誌的資助。連反對派領袖 (Leader of the Opposition) Brendan Nelson 也要求聯邦警察調查,由此可見澳洲政界對事件取態之一致。新南威爾斯政府已把照片轉介給當地的 classification board (相當於本港的淫審處),現時仍未知評級結果。原裝照片在這裏,是藝術,是色情,抑或是色情的藝術,或因藝術而表現的色情,閣下可自行判斷。 Olympia 自己不認為母親的做法有問題,她對陸克文的批評倒是覺得反感。不過不管當事人如何想,世上的先進國家中,大概沒有那一個在法律上會認為一個六歲(甚至十一歲)的女童能保護自己的。

這次澳洲人(至少政客如是)有這麼大反應,到底是因為裸照,還是因為照片露了女孩的乳頭,我不知道。不過看澳洲廣播公司 (ABC) 網站的討論,倒有不少獨特見解。例如有位留言者提到,如果兒童裸照必然是色情的話,那麼我們將不可能再在報章上看到非洲飢餓兒童的照片:
I guess we won't be seeing anymore stories on starving children in Africa, considering they cant afford clothes and all.也有其他人提及類似的荒謬情形,譬如家長不能拍攝幼兒的出浴照、兒童在海灘不能穿泳衣(免得裸露)等等。有人提到,一些大型百貨公司的童裝廣告其實遠較 Art Monthly 這張照片賣弄性感:
It's time to acknowledge that the advertising depicting young children used by Myer, David Jones and other big retailers is far more sexual than this photgraph.有位留言者說得很好。他說,裸體其實是小兒的特權,現在兒童卻連這種特權也失去了:
10 years ago nudity was a privilege of childhood and a hallmark of innocence. Now it strips children of their innocence.當然,這個世上也真是有兒童色情物品這種東西的。到底一名六歲/十一歲小孩能否判斷她給大人拍的裸照是否正當,也是今次爭議的焦點。有人認為 Polixeni 這次拍攝女兒的裸照,其實是利用了小孩的無知來牟取利益。不過也有人質疑,若家長不能為子女決定是否拍裸照的話,他們又有何資格為子女決定其他事情呢?
If parents cannot make decisions for their children, then all Sunday school and church attendance for children, as well as religious education should be banned. Parents should also be banned from even speaking to their children, for fear of influencing them in some way or other.多年前美國最高法院法官 Potter Stewart 在討論何謂 hard-core pornography 時所作名言 "I know it when I see it" 雖然正確,但憑一人之觀感決定何為色情,始終難以服眾。無論你是屬於自由派還是明光派,必須承認,要界定何謂色情實在殊不容易。
Related websites:
- The official website of Polixeni Papapetrou
- Johnston Gallery: Polixeni Papapetrou.
- Silvia Sorbelli, Angela Grossmann’s and Polixeni Papapetrou's Adventures in Wonderland, Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History, Issue #2, 2005-2006.
- ABC News: Photographed girl defends nude magazine cover, July 7, 2008.
- Herald Sun: Olympia Nelson defends photo of her on Art Monthly cover, July 7, 2008.
- 小奧私陸:赤裸就等於色情嗎之《Art Monthly Australia》女童照。
2 則留言:
最好笑係澳洲兒童基金 (Australian Childhood Foundation) 那個 Joe Tucci,她說
"We have seen these sort of cases in the [United] States and elsewhere, where a person in their 30s or their 40s decides that they want to be the President of the United States or they want to be a teacher or anything, they want to take up a public role, and those photos come back to haunt them."