兩年前,我們笑大陸的網絡審查軟件(哎,明明是審查,不要說「過濾」啦)「綠壩」連 Hello Kitty 都打成色情圖像,也有論者指控綠壩「老翻」了外國軟件。現在維基解密將綠壩的技術曝光,才發現這軟件原來多少也有自行製作的部份。雖然只是將現成的技術炒埋一碟,但也算有紋有路。我無耐性睇晒成份文件,不知它要判定圖像是否色情的有關運算是於 client 還是 server 上進行,不過驟眼看來,若要 do the computations on the fly from server side 的話,計算量都幾大,恐怕用家會感覺到明顯的時滯。
Magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ERDPLRX5FQAIKRLVTNV3JEK4K4RHULKB
The suffocated、王小發合著
六虎牌是一種客家紙牌遊戲。它比麻雀更富明代馬弔的特色,也是現今依然流行的中國牌戲之中,唯一既保留馬弔四門,又承襲了明代牌戲「看虎」的特色者。然而六虎牌在某些方面又很有西方牌戲的感覺,例如有些牌面印有撲克牌的黑桃、紅心及方塊圖案,而牌例中更有一項令人聯想起「合約橋牌」(contract bridge) 的叫牌程序,為中國牌戲之中所僅見。
雖然十九世紀已有關於六虎牌的記載,但直至近代,它只有口耳相傳的規則。執筆時,詳細描述六虎牌玩法的文章,印刷媒體只有 Smith and Senst (1996),而網上就只有 Sung (1996) 及 McLeod (2000)。連麻雀這種有例書(史上首部麻雀譜乃於 1914 年發行)的遊戲也發展成現今近廿種地方玩法,沒有例書的六虎牌,分裂成多種俗例也不出奇。
打六虎牌不用「鹿花」,只用其餘三十七隻。根據 C.T. Dobree 所著的 Gambling Games in Malaya (1955),一副六虎牌可以用來玩多種遊戲,鹿花也許在這些遊戲中有用。
1) 單牌:若先手要出單隻牌,會有特殊規限,這點以後才說明。凡上家出單隻牌,下家只能用同門而較大的牌打,所以「拾」不能打「索」,反之亦然。同門單牌則以數字比大小,亦即九為大、八次之,如此類推。一拾(百子)、一綫(毛公)與雲綫是例外,它們既不能打別的牌,亦不會被打敗,猶如打天九的「至尊」。
2) 各:一副三隻或四隻同數字的牌,猶如香港人玩撲克牌的所謂「三條」或「四條」。例如
3) 順:同門連牌,與撲克牌的同花順 (straight flush) 相若,但三至九隻均可。跟單隻牌的各門不相統轄不同,比較順子的大小,先算門,後算數字。門以拾 > 貫 > 索 > 綫的次序分高下,數字則照字面比大小。如前述,打擊順子時所出張數必須與先手相同。百子與毛公當單牌用時的特殊地位,此處不適用。例:
玩家以有 n 隻牌的牌型勝出一個回合,就稱為贏了 n 隻牌,或「n 糊」(「糊」字原應作「湖」,語出清代「十湖牌」,但本字基本上已失傳,在大陸及台灣多改作「胡」,在香港則改成「糊」),例如用四條各五勝出這回合,就是贏了四隻牌或四糊。六虎牌不像天九般將每回合各玩家所出的牌疊起來,所以糊數不稱為戙數。
舉例:玩家甲早前已贏一糊,現手持二拾、 六貫、九綫、八綫及一副「三條」的「各七」,乙先手出各五,丙墊牌,甲可以出各七贏三糊,取得先手,用前後取得的四糊並手中的九綫、八綫兩隻老歲牌宣告食六糊。
若玩家憑五虎下山自動勝出,算贏 8 糊,而輸家只須賠分數給贏家。然而,若贏家憑鬥牌勝出,而且他於各回合取勝所用的牌張(包括最後一回合手持的老歲牌)之中,有任何一隻的牌面數字(百子、毛公及雲綫均當作一)與做夢者的牌面數字相同,則各輸家亦須賠分數給夢家。夢家的糊數,以 5 糊為底,每隻與夢家底牌相同數字的食糊用牌,均額外加 1 糊。
糊數的作用類似打麻雀的翻數(「翻」今多誤寫為「番」)。若勝者食 n 糊,每位輸家須各賠 2n-6 分給贏家,即 6 糊 1 分,7 糊 2 分,8 糊 4 分,如此類推,但 12 糊再雙倍,即輸家各賠 2×212-6 = 128 分。也有地方以 5 糊起糊(即輸家各賠 2n-5 分)。
本文第一作者感謝 pagat.com 網主 Mr John McLeod 的協助,以及他與作者的魚雁往返。
六虎牌是一種客家紙牌遊戲。它比麻雀更富明代馬弔的特色,也是現今依然流行的中國牌戲之中,唯一既保留馬弔四門,又承襲了明代牌戲「看虎」的特色者。然而六虎牌在某些方面又很有西方牌戲的感覺,例如有些牌面印有撲克牌的黑桃、紅心及方塊圖案,而牌例中更有一項令人聯想起「合約橋牌」(contract bridge) 的叫牌程序,為中國牌戲之中所僅見。
雖然十九世紀已有關於六虎牌的記載,但直至近代,它只有口耳相傳的規則。執筆時,詳細描述六虎牌玩法的文章,印刷媒體只有 Smith and Senst (1996),而網上就只有 Sung (1996) 及 McLeod (2000)。連麻雀這種有例書(史上首部麻雀譜乃於 1914 年發行)的遊戲也發展成現今近廿種地方玩法,沒有例書的六虎牌,分裂成多種俗例也不出奇。
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全副三十八隻客家六虎牌 |
- 派牌
- 叫牌
- 鬥牌
- 結算
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玩家座次,按逆時針方向為:頭、二、夢、三家 |
(首輪)頭家 → 二家 → 夢 → 三家完成後做夢者只得一隻,其他人各十二隻。做夢者於整個牌局中甚麼也不用做,可以如字面所言,真的做夢去,直至局終時視乎情況,收取分數。
(餘下各輪)頭家 → 二家 → 三家
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五虎下山 |
1) 單牌:若先手要出單隻牌,會有特殊規限,這點以後才說明。凡上家出單隻牌,下家只能用同門而較大的牌打,所以「拾」不能打「索」,反之亦然。同門單牌則以數字比大小,亦即九為大、八次之,如此類推。一拾(百子)、一綫(毛公)與雲綫是例外,它們既不能打別的牌,亦不會被打敗,猶如打天九的「至尊」。
2) 各:一副三隻或四隻同數字的牌,猶如香港人玩撲克牌的所謂「三條」或「四條」。例如
- 三條九(九拾九貫九索 / 九拾九貫九綫 / 九拾九索九綫 / 九貫九索九綫)或
- 四條九(九拾九貫九索九綫)
- 八貫八索八綫(各八) > 四拾四貫四索(各四);
- 八拾八貫八索八綫(各八) 不能打 四拾四貫四索(各四),原因是牌張數目不同,不過此例中,玩家可以拆牌,用三條八來打各四。
3) 順:同門連牌,與撲克牌的同花順 (straight flush) 相若,但三至九隻均可。跟單隻牌的各門不相統轄不同,比較順子的大小,先算門,後算數字。門以拾 > 貫 > 索 > 綫的次序分高下,數字則照字面比大小。如前述,打擊順子時所出張數必須與先手相同。百子與毛公當單牌用時的特殊地位,此處不適用。例:
- 九八七六貫 > 五四三二貫 > 八七六五綫 > 四三二一綫;
- 七六五四三二一拾 > 九八七六五四三索;
- 九八七拾 不能打 六五四三索,原因是牌張數目不同。
- 墊四貫、四索、五綫。可以,墊掉兩隻四後手上再無能打各二的牌。
- 墊四索、七綫、五綫。不可以,墊完牌後手上還有四拾四貫四綫,可打頭家的各二。
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八隻紅印牌;左邊七隻於開局時為老歲牌 |
- 拾字門非老歲牌,
- 拾字門老歲牌,
- 貫字門非老歲牌,
- 貫字門老歲牌,
- 索字門非老歲牌,
- 索字門老歲牌,
- 綫字門非老歲牌,
- 綫字門老歲牌,
- 雲綫。
九拾、七拾、四拾、一拾、八貫、四貫、八索、七索、六索、四索、三綫、一綫,頭家先手,出五拾,二家出七拾,三家墊牌,二家勝。之後各回合,假設對手一直都愚蠢得只識墊牌,問二家可否按以下次序出牌 ──
- 九拾 → 四拾 → 一綫 → 一拾 → 八貫 ……。可以,因為特權玩家可以提早出九拾和一綫兩隻老歲牌。
- 四拾 → 八貫 → ……。不可以,因為九拾和一拾還未出,不可以出八貫。特權只讓他提早出九拾及一拾兩隻老歲牌,並沒容許它們押後至八貫之後才出。
- 八七六索順 → 四拾 → 一拾 → 九拾 ……。可以,這本來就無違反限制。
玩家以有 n 隻牌的牌型勝出一個回合,就稱為贏了 n 隻牌,或「n 糊」(「糊」字原應作「湖」,語出清代「十湖牌」,但本字基本上已失傳,在大陸及台灣多改作「胡」,在香港則改成「糊」),例如用四條各五勝出這回合,就是贏了四隻牌或四糊。六虎牌不像天九般將每回合各玩家所出的牌疊起來,所以糊數不稱為戙數。
- 他任先手,而且
- 他已贏取的牌數與手上未打出的老歲牌數總和,共六隻或以上。
舉例:玩家甲早前已贏一糊,現手持二拾、 六貫、九綫、八綫及一副「三條」的「各七」,乙先手出各五,丙墊牌,甲可以出各七贏三糊,取得先手,用前後取得的四糊並手中的九綫、八綫兩隻老歲牌宣告食六糊。
若玩家憑五虎下山自動勝出,算贏 8 糊,而輸家只須賠分數給贏家。然而,若贏家憑鬥牌勝出,而且他於各回合取勝所用的牌張(包括最後一回合手持的老歲牌)之中,有任何一隻的牌面數字(百子、毛公及雲綫均當作一)與做夢者的牌面數字相同,則各輸家亦須賠分數給夢家。夢家的糊數,以 5 糊為底,每隻與夢家底牌相同數字的食糊用牌,均額外加 1 糊。
糊數的作用類似打麻雀的翻數(「翻」今多誤寫為「番」)。若勝者食 n 糊,每位輸家須各賠 2n-6 分給贏家,即 6 糊 1 分,7 糊 2 分,8 糊 4 分,如此類推,但 12 糊再雙倍,即輸家各賠 2×212-6 = 128 分。也有地方以 5 糊起糊(即輸家各賠 2n-5 分)。
二家做牌,做夢者持一索,三家於最後一回合以三條各八打掉二家的各七取得先手,再以手持的九綫、百子、雲綫食糊。此例中,贏家食 6 糊,而做夢者有 5 糊做底,他的一索又跟贏家的百子、雲綫兩牌的牌面同數,因此另加 2 糊,共食 7 糊。本來兩輸家要各賠 1 分給贏家、賠 2 分給夢家,但二家做牌,所以包輸,故總計,頭家不用輸,二家(做牌者)輸 6 分,做夢者贏 4 分,三家(贏家)贏 2 分。
本文第一作者感謝 pagat.com 網主 Mr John McLeod 的協助,以及他與作者的魚雁往返。
- Dylan W.H. Sung (1996), Hak Ga Luk Fu Pai, reocities.com.
- John McLeod (2000), Rules of Card Games: Luk Fu (六虎), pagat.com.
- Anthony Smith and Günther Senst (1996), Liuk Fu, Cháng Pái and Other East Asian Trick-Taking Games, The Playing-Card, XXIV/4, pp.111-119.
- C.T. Dobree (1955), Gambling Games of Malaya, Caxton Press, Kuala Lumpur.
- 客家六虎牌(一) 、(二)、(三)、(四);此為本網誌所載系列文章
- Money-suited Cards; Andy's Playing Cards.
- 传统客家牌——六胡(拾、贯、索、钱叫法来历);HakkaOnline.com
- 客家紙牌是這樣玩的(非常基礎篇);情牽老圍
- 客家民俗风情[一]客家纸牌;baidu.com
傳統遊藝(天九、馬弔、麻雀 …)

Rules of Luk Fu, a Hakka card game
By The Suffocated and Wong Siu Fat
(see also the Chinese version)
Luk Fu[1] (六虎 or "Six Tigers") is a trick-taking card game that is played predominantly by today's Hakka Chinese. It resembles the ancient game Ma Tiu more closely than Mahjong does, and is the only contemporary Chinese card game that retains all four suits of Ma Tiu as well as some features of another ancient game Khanhoo[2]. Yet Luk Fu has also some western touches. Some cards of a Luk Fu deck feature the spade, heart and diamond symbols that are seen in French and English playing cards, and the game has a calling phase that is reminiscent of (albeit much simpler than) the bidding phase in contract bridge.
Although there are mentions of Luk Fu in some 19th century literature, Luk Fu had only oral rules until recently. At the time of writing, Smith and Senst (1996) is the only printed article that describes Luk Fu in detail. On the internet, Sung (1996) and McLeod (2000) are the only detailed accounts. Even a game like Mahjong, that had written rules early in its history, has evolved into some twenty variants today. If Luk Fu has also fragmented into a large number of variants, it should be no surprise to anyone.
The second author of this article is a Luk Fu player. Some of his relatives are veteran players and they have acquaintances with some other people who play Luk Fu at raked home games. The first author is an amateur researcher in Chinese card and dominoe games. While he disapproves most forms of gambling (not to say the illegal ones), he views the rules for gambling as representative. This article is the result of documenting and sorting out these rules. There are differences between the rules described here and those written in the above-mentioned articles. The interested readers may make a comparison. While we think the rules we study here are valuable references, we have no intention to promote any set of rules as the unique standard.
Each game of Luk Fu has either three or four players. We will first explain the rules for a four-player game and state the modifications needed for a three-player game at the end of the article.
The deck
A complete set of Luk Fu has 38 cards (see the figure below), of which 36 are divided into four suits, Sip (拾 "Ten"), Gon (貫 "Myriads"), Sok (索 "Strings") and Chen (綫 "Coins"), which are inherited from Ma Tiu (where the suit "Myriads" is called 萬, though). Each suit has nine cards; they are numbered from 1 to 9, except that 1 Sip is called Bak Chi (百子, which literally means "Hundred Sons", but the name was actually derived from 百萬 "A Hundred Myriad" in Ma Tiu) and 1 Chen is called Mau Gung (毛公 "Mr Mau", a professional gambler in the Warring States Period). The chinese character 綫 (which literally means threads) for the suit Chen is actually a typo. It should read 錢. The typo, however, is so widespread that it is present in virtually all modern Luk Fu packs.
The two extra cards of the deck are Luk Fa (鹿花 "Stagflower") and Yuen Chen (雲綫, which probably means "Yunnan coin"), where the former was also called Lei Fa (梨花) in Qing Dynasty. Most Hakka people nowadays do not recognize the characters 鹿 and 雲 printed on the two cards. They mistake both characters as 麗 ("Beautiful") and read the names of the two cards as respectively Li Fa and Li Chen (we will adopt these mistaken but popular names in the sequel).
Basic game play
Each hand of Luk Fu is divided into four phases:
The cards are first shuffled and then dealt one at a time to the players in twelve rounds. The order of deal is as follows:
The meld consisting of Li Chen and the four lowest-valued cards, i.e. 1 Sip (Bak Chi), 1 Gon, 1 Sok and 1 Chen (Mau Gung), is called Ng Fu Ha San (五虎下山 "Five Tigers Emerge from the Mountain"). Throughout the dealing phase, the holder of this meld has the right to claim immediate victory. Strictly speaking, if he wants to declare victory, he must do so before the dealer enters into the next (i.e. calling) phase. However, in casual games, people usually do not observe this rule strictly and one is often allowed to claim victory if the dealer enters into the next phase too quickly.
The holder of Ng Fu Ha San may opt not to claim victory immediately. He can give up this right in order to seek greater benefits later in this hand. However, during the actual play, Ng Fu Ha San is not a valid combination of cards (although 1 Sip, 1 Gon, 1 Sok and 1 Chen make four of a kind, which is a valid meld; more about this below), and it per se no longer offers its holder the right to claim victory.
Each hand of Luk Fu requires a unique player to express his will to play it. The dealer will first call out Jor (做 "Play") or Ng Jor (唔做 "Not Play"). If he does not want to play, it is then player 2's call and so on. If none of them wants to play this hand, the hand will end immediately. Player 2 will succeed as the dealer and a new hand begins.
If the player who calls the hand is player 2 or player 3, we will call him a "privileged player" hereafter. The priviliged player has the privilege to bypass a certain restriction on leading a card, but this privilige comes at a price: if he loses the hand, he is responsible for the loss of another loser. If the dealer calls the hand, he is not regarded as privileged and he has no additional responsibility. His decision to play only deprives the other players of the oppotunities to become privileged.
Play of the hand
Each hand is comprised of multiple rounds. The dealer ── not the player who called the hand ── plays the opening lead, and the winner of each round leads the next. After a leader plays his meld (which may be one or more cards), the play follows anticlockwise and subsequent players may attack or surrender. To beat a meld, one must play a superior meld of the same type and the same size. To surrender a round, one must discard the same number of cards face-down without any need to form a meld. The winner of each round shall place his winning cards face-up in front of himself. Beaten or surrendered cards remain face-up or face-down and they are heaped at the center of the table. The players can examine any (winning or losing) card that has been played face-up.
The leader of each round can play one of the following three types of melds:
1) Single card. There is a restriction on what single card one can lead. This will be explained in next few sections. If one plays a single card, the next player can beat him only by playing a higher-ranked card from the same suit. Therefore a Sip card cannot beat a Sok card and vice versa. Single cards of the same suit are ranked by their numerical values, i.e. 9 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. The only exceptions are 1 Sip (Bak Chi), 1 Chen (Mau Gung) and Li Chen (the extra card). They beat no single cards but they are also unbeatable. Therefore, when played as a single card, each of them can take a trick only if it is the lead (so that other players are forced to surrender/discard).
2) Gok (各): three of a kind or four of a kind, analogous to a group (a.k.a. set) in rummy. Both
To illustrate, suppose the dealer leads triple twos. Player 2 has the following cards in his hand:
Aged cards
As a hand of Luk Fu proceeds, more and more cards will gain the status of Lau Sui Pai (老歲牌 "aged cards", a.k.a. 老人牌). At the beginning of a hand, seven cards are considered aged: 9 Sip, 9 Gon, 9 Sok, 9 Chen, 1 Sip, 1 Chen and Li Chen. Note that only eight cards in a deck of Luk Fu have red imprints. Among them, 8 Sip is the only one that is not aged right at the beginning.
In the play of the hand, whenever a single card becomes "practically unbeatable", it is also considered as aged. For example, suppose a player has 9 Chen and 7 Chen in his hand, and someone has played 8 Chen face-up earlier. As no opponent now possesses any single card that can defeat 7 Chen, the 7 Chen card becomes aged.
Note that, to judge whether a card is practically unbeatable, one does not only reason by using those cards that have been played face-up. If, in the above example, 8 Chen was played face-down, but the player can assert through a logical argument that someone must have played it out earlier, then 7 Chen is still considered as aged.
Privileged player and restriction on the lead
As leads, single cards can be classified, in descending order of priorities, into nine categories:
When one plays a group or a run, whether the constituent cards are aged is irrelevant. For instance, suppose in the first round the dealer has 9, 8, 7 and 4 Soks at hand and 5 Sok is held by another player. Then 9, 8, 7 Soks are aged, but 4 Sok is not. If the dealer wants to lead a single card, he can play neither of 9, 8 and 7 Soks because the non-aged 4 Sok is still in his hand. However, he can lead the {9,8,7} Sok run.
The above restriction applies to the lead only. Subsequent attacks or surrenders are not bound by this restriction.
The privileged player is allowed to bypass part of the restriction by leading an aged card before exhausting higher-priority single cards in his hand. For example, suppose player 2 is the privileged player and he is dealt
Winning requirements
Since one may play, in many Chinese card games, one or more cards in each round, the meaning of a "trick" is somewhat different from its usual meanings in western card games. When a Luk Fu player wins a round of the game by playing some n cards, he is said to have won n tricks, or in Chinese, n Fu's (湖 "Lakes" or 虎 "Tigers")[3]. For example, a player who wins this round by playing quad fives is considered to have taken four tricks.
In Hong Kong, when a Hakka player wants to declares victory, he usually calls out Sid Fu (食糊[4] "Eat Purée"), like he does in a Mahjong game. A Luk Fu player can declare victory only at the beginning of each round, and only if he meets the following requirements:
Example. Player A has taken 1 trick previously and he has 2 Sip, 6 Gon, 9 Chen, 8 Chen and triple sevens left in his hand. Player B leads triple fives, player C surrenders and player A wins 3 more tricks by playing triple sevens . Now player A becomes the leader. As he has already taken 4 tricks in total and has 2 aged cards (9 Chen and 8 Chen) in his hand, he can declare victory now, with 6 tricks won.
After acquiring enough tricks, a player may opt not to declare victory and continue playing the hand, so as to win more tricks. However, next time, before he declares victory, he still has to become a leader, and the other players may win the hand before he can do that.
If all cards have been played and no one gets enough tricks, the game is drawn.
If a player wins by producing Ng Fu Ha San before the actual play of the hand, he gets 8 tricks and the losers only need to pay him the appropriate amounts of points. However, if the winner actually played the hand, and the numerical value of the dreamer's card (Li Chen = 1) matches the numerical value of any of the winner's trick-taking cards (i.e. the cards that the winner won tricks with, or the aged cards left in his hand), the losers also need to pay the dreamer certain amounts of points. In this case, the dreamer is always granted 5 tricks and every match of numerical values is counted as an additional trick.
The number of tricks, like the number of Faans (翻) in mahjong, is an exponent in scoring. If the winner has won n tricks, every loser has to pay him 2n-6 points, i.e. 1 point for 6 tricks, 2 points for 7 tricks, 4 points for 8 tricks, and so on. But 12 tricks give an extra double, i.e. they amount to 2×212-6 = 128 points instead. In some places, the number of tricks is subtracted first by 5 instead of 6 in the exponent (i.e. 2n-5 instead of 2n-6 is used in the above calculations).
The income of the dreamer is computed in the same way, except that the n in the exponent is the number of tricks won by the dreamer instead of the winner.
If the privileged player loses the hand, he is responsible for the loss of another loser. Example:
Three-player game
The rules for a three-player game are essentially identical to those for a four-player game, except that there is no dreamer and the extra card Li Chen is also removed (so that only the 36 cards from the four suits are used). As a result, the rules for Ng Fu Ha San do not apply here.
Luk Fu players may disagree on how to play the game. In particular, there are two common controversies. The first one arises from the evasion of calling the hand when one receives a strong hand. Luk Fu players often despise people who behave this way, or even forbid the others from evading the call. Yet the definition of a "strong hand" is not written in black and white.
For example, some players may think that, when some non-overlapping groups, runs and aged cards can be spotted in six or more of the dealer's cards, even if the hand contains something like
Another common controversy is about the definition of aged cards. For example, according to the rules we describe here, whenever one can assert through a logical argument that a certain single card is unbeatable, the card should be regarded as aged. In practice, however, the logical reasoning may be sophisticated at times. Hence those players who do not understand the argument will question the card's status. The reader should avoid making complicated arguments if he/she only wants to play a casual game for fun.
The first author wishes to thank Mr John McLeod of pagat.com for his very helpful discussions.
Related webpages
[1] When transcribing Chinese terms, one often-met problem is to decide on an appropriate romanisation scheme. Unfortunately, most of such schemes are unintelligible to non-Chinese readers. In this article, except for a few terms that have widely accepted transcriptions (e.g. 麻雀 → Mahjong), we will adopt the Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanisation, because most words it transcribes into can be read like ordinary English. Note, however, that we will transcribe the Hakka pronunciations of those Luk Fu jargon terms, not the cantonese ones.
[2] Ma Tiu (馬弔, a.k.a. Ma Diao or Madiao), Khanhoo (看虎 or "Watching Tigers") and Che Cheung (扯章 or "Pulling Tricks") were the three most popular card games in Ming Dynasty. They are all trick-taking games that are played with the same set of cards. The Khanhoo here is not the one that Sir W.H. Wilkinson introduced into Europe in early 1890's. The two Khanhoo's have some common melds, but Wilkinson's Khanhoo is a draw-and-discard game.
[3] Obviously, one does not win a tiger or a lake, and the meanings of these terms shall not be taken literally. These terms actually originate from the names of ancient Chinese games, which usually contain one of the three rhyming characters 虎 ("Tiger"), 和 ("Harmony") and 湖 ("Lake").
[4] The jargon terms 和 and 湖 are also used in declaring victory. In a Chinese card or dominoe game, when a player wins a hand, he may call out 和了 ("和-ed") or 湖了 ("湖-ed"). The former, however, is confusing because it also means "the hand is drawn". This is perhaps the reason why, during the 18th and 19th centuries, the uses of 湖 had become widespread. Nonetheless, in late 19th century, fewer and fewer people knew the correct character for the jargon term 湖. Most people in mainland China started to write 胡 (a collective name for the foreign races in the west/north to China) instead. The people of Hong Kong, in contrast, took 糊 ("Purée") as the jargon term and call winning a hand "Eat Purée" (食糊) to make things interesting. In a Mahjong match, when the hand of a player is just one tile short of winning, the player is even said to 叫糊 ("Order a Purée").
(see also the Chinese version)
Luk Fu[1] (六虎 or "Six Tigers") is a trick-taking card game that is played predominantly by today's Hakka Chinese. It resembles the ancient game Ma Tiu more closely than Mahjong does, and is the only contemporary Chinese card game that retains all four suits of Ma Tiu as well as some features of another ancient game Khanhoo[2]. Yet Luk Fu has also some western touches. Some cards of a Luk Fu deck feature the spade, heart and diamond symbols that are seen in French and English playing cards, and the game has a calling phase that is reminiscent of (albeit much simpler than) the bidding phase in contract bridge.
Although there are mentions of Luk Fu in some 19th century literature, Luk Fu had only oral rules until recently. At the time of writing, Smith and Senst (1996) is the only printed article that describes Luk Fu in detail. On the internet, Sung (1996) and McLeod (2000) are the only detailed accounts. Even a game like Mahjong, that had written rules early in its history, has evolved into some twenty variants today. If Luk Fu has also fragmented into a large number of variants, it should be no surprise to anyone.
The second author of this article is a Luk Fu player. Some of his relatives are veteran players and they have acquaintances with some other people who play Luk Fu at raked home games. The first author is an amateur researcher in Chinese card and dominoe games. While he disapproves most forms of gambling (not to say the illegal ones), he views the rules for gambling as representative. This article is the result of documenting and sorting out these rules. There are differences between the rules described here and those written in the above-mentioned articles. The interested readers may make a comparison. While we think the rules we study here are valuable references, we have no intention to promote any set of rules as the unique standard.
Each game of Luk Fu has either three or four players. We will first explain the rules for a four-player game and state the modifications needed for a three-player game at the end of the article.
The deck
A complete set of Luk Fu has 38 cards (see the figure below), of which 36 are divided into four suits, Sip (拾 "Ten"), Gon (貫 "Myriads"), Sok (索 "Strings") and Chen (綫 "Coins"), which are inherited from Ma Tiu (where the suit "Myriads" is called 萬, though). Each suit has nine cards; they are numbered from 1 to 9, except that 1 Sip is called Bak Chi (百子, which literally means "Hundred Sons", but the name was actually derived from 百萬 "A Hundred Myriad" in Ma Tiu) and 1 Chen is called Mau Gung (毛公 "Mr Mau", a professional gambler in the Warring States Period). The chinese character 綫 (which literally means threads) for the suit Chen is actually a typo. It should read 錢. The typo, however, is so widespread that it is present in virtually all modern Luk Fu packs.
The two extra cards of the deck are Luk Fa (鹿花 "Stagflower") and Yuen Chen (雲綫, which probably means "Yunnan coin"), where the former was also called Lei Fa (梨花) in Qing Dynasty. Most Hakka people nowadays do not recognize the characters 鹿 and 雲 printed on the two cards. They mistake both characters as 麗 ("Beautiful") and read the names of the two cards as respectively Li Fa and Li Chen (we will adopt these mistaken but popular names in the sequel).
Basic game play
Each hand of Luk Fu is divided into four phases:
- Dealing.
- Calling.
- Play of the hand.
- Scoring.
- the dealer, or Tiu Ga (頭家 "player 1"),
- Ngi Ga (二家 "player 2"),
- Mung Ga (夢家 "dreamer") / Chuk Mung (捉夢 "dream catcher") and
- Sam Ga (三家 "player 3" ) / Mui Ga (尾家 "the last player"),
![]() |
The four players |
The cards are first shuffled and then dealt one at a time to the players in twelve rounds. The order of deal is as follows:
(1st round)dealer → player 2 → dreamer →player 3;After the deal, the dreamer should have received one card and every other player twelve. The dreamer is only a bystander throughout the play. He can literally go dreaming and update his score only at the end of the hand.
(other 11 rounds)dealer → player 2 →player 3.
The meld consisting of Li Chen and the four lowest-valued cards, i.e. 1 Sip (Bak Chi), 1 Gon, 1 Sok and 1 Chen (Mau Gung), is called Ng Fu Ha San (五虎下山 "Five Tigers Emerge from the Mountain"). Throughout the dealing phase, the holder of this meld has the right to claim immediate victory. Strictly speaking, if he wants to declare victory, he must do so before the dealer enters into the next (i.e. calling) phase. However, in casual games, people usually do not observe this rule strictly and one is often allowed to claim victory if the dealer enters into the next phase too quickly.
The holder of Ng Fu Ha San may opt not to claim victory immediately. He can give up this right in order to seek greater benefits later in this hand. However, during the actual play, Ng Fu Ha San is not a valid combination of cards (although 1 Sip, 1 Gon, 1 Sok and 1 Chen make four of a kind, which is a valid meld; more about this below), and it per se no longer offers its holder the right to claim victory.
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Ng Fu Ha San |
Each hand of Luk Fu requires a unique player to express his will to play it. The dealer will first call out Jor (做 "Play") or Ng Jor (唔做 "Not Play"). If he does not want to play, it is then player 2's call and so on. If none of them wants to play this hand, the hand will end immediately. Player 2 will succeed as the dealer and a new hand begins.
If the player who calls the hand is player 2 or player 3, we will call him a "privileged player" hereafter. The priviliged player has the privilege to bypass a certain restriction on leading a card, but this privilige comes at a price: if he loses the hand, he is responsible for the loss of another loser. If the dealer calls the hand, he is not regarded as privileged and he has no additional responsibility. His decision to play only deprives the other players of the oppotunities to become privileged.
Play of the hand
Each hand is comprised of multiple rounds. The dealer ── not the player who called the hand ── plays the opening lead, and the winner of each round leads the next. After a leader plays his meld (which may be one or more cards), the play follows anticlockwise and subsequent players may attack or surrender. To beat a meld, one must play a superior meld of the same type and the same size. To surrender a round, one must discard the same number of cards face-down without any need to form a meld. The winner of each round shall place his winning cards face-up in front of himself. Beaten or surrendered cards remain face-up or face-down and they are heaped at the center of the table. The players can examine any (winning or losing) card that has been played face-up.
The leader of each round can play one of the following three types of melds:
1) Single card. There is a restriction on what single card one can lead. This will be explained in next few sections. If one plays a single card, the next player can beat him only by playing a higher-ranked card from the same suit. Therefore a Sip card cannot beat a Sok card and vice versa. Single cards of the same suit are ranked by their numerical values, i.e. 9 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. The only exceptions are 1 Sip (Bak Chi), 1 Chen (Mau Gung) and Li Chen (the extra card). They beat no single cards but they are also unbeatable. Therefore, when played as a single card, each of them can take a trick only if it is the lead (so that other players are forced to surrender/discard).
2) Gok (各): three of a kind or four of a kind, analogous to a group (a.k.a. set) in rummy. Both
- triple nines, i.e. {9 Sip, 9 Gon, 9 Sok}, {9 Sip, 9 Gon, 9 Chen}, {9 Sip, 9 Sok, 9 Chen} or {9 Gon, 9 Sok, 9 Chen}, and
- quad(ruple) nines, i.e. {9 Sip, 9 Gon, 9 Sok, 9 Chen}
- triple eights > triple fours, but
- quad eights does not beat triple fours, because a quadlet does not compare to a triplet; however, one can play any triple eights to beat the triple fours in this case, leaving the remaining 8 in his hand.
- {9,8,7,6} Gon > {5,4,3,2} Gon > {8,7,6,5} Chen > {4,3,2,1} Chen;
- {7,6,5,4,3,2,1} Sip > {9,8,7,6,5,4,3} Sok;
- {9,8,7} Sip and {6,5,4,3} Sok do not compare, because the two runs have different lengths.
To illustrate, suppose the dealer leads triple twos. Player 2 has the following cards in his hand:
6 Sip, 5 Sip, 4 Sip, 4 Gon, 4 Sok, 4 Chen, 8 Chen, 7 Chen and 5 Chen,and suppose for some reason he has decided against taking triple twos by triple fours. We ask if he can surrender the following cards:
- 4 Gon, 4 Sok and 5 Chen. Yes, because after discarding two fours, he no longer possesses cards that can beat triple twos.
- 4 Sok, 7 Chen and 5 Chen. No, because afterwards, he still possesses triple fours that is superior to triple twos.
Aged cards
As a hand of Luk Fu proceeds, more and more cards will gain the status of Lau Sui Pai (老歲牌 "aged cards", a.k.a. 老人牌). At the beginning of a hand, seven cards are considered aged: 9 Sip, 9 Gon, 9 Sok, 9 Chen, 1 Sip, 1 Chen and Li Chen. Note that only eight cards in a deck of Luk Fu have red imprints. Among them, 8 Sip is the only one that is not aged right at the beginning.
![]() |
The eight cards with red imprints; the leftmost seven are already aged at the beginning. |
Note that, to judge whether a card is practically unbeatable, one does not only reason by using those cards that have been played face-up. If, in the above example, 8 Chen was played face-down, but the player can assert through a logical argument that someone must have played it out earlier, then 7 Chen is still considered as aged.
Privileged player and restriction on the lead
As leads, single cards can be classified, in descending order of priorities, into nine categories:
- non-aged Sip,
- aged Sip,
- non-aged Gon,
- aged Gon,
- non-aged Sok,
- aged Sok,
- non-aged Chen,
- aged Chen,
- Li Chen.
When one plays a group or a run, whether the constituent cards are aged is irrelevant. For instance, suppose in the first round the dealer has 9, 8, 7 and 4 Soks at hand and 5 Sok is held by another player. Then 9, 8, 7 Soks are aged, but 4 Sok is not. If the dealer wants to lead a single card, he can play neither of 9, 8 and 7 Soks because the non-aged 4 Sok is still in his hand. However, he can lead the {9,8,7} Sok run.
The above restriction applies to the lead only. Subsequent attacks or surrenders are not bound by this restriction.
The privileged player is allowed to bypass part of the restriction by leading an aged card before exhausting higher-priority single cards in his hand. For example, suppose player 2 is the privileged player and he is dealt
9 Sip, 7 Sip, 4 Sip, 1 Sip, 8 Gon, 4 Gon, 8 Sok, 7 Sok, 6 Sok, 4 Sok, 3 Chen, 1 Chen.The dealer leads by playing 5 Sip, player 2 beats him using 7 Sip and player 3 surrenders. Now player 2 leads. Suppose in subsequent rounds, his opponents are so stupid that they only keep surrendering. We ask if player 2 can keep leading the following melds in the following orders:
- 9 Sip → 4 Sip → 1 Chen → 1 Sip → 8 Gon ... . Yes, because as a privileged player, he is allowed to advance the leading of the two aged cards 9 Sip and 1 Chen before other single cards.
- 4 Sip → 8 Gon → ... . No, 8 Gon cannot be played because aged cards 9 Sip and 1 Sip have not been played yet. The privilege only allows player 2 to advance the play of aged single cards, not to defer playing them.
- {8,7,6} Sok → 4 Sip → 1 Sip → 9 Sip ... . Yes, this does not violate the restriction in the first place.
Winning requirements
Since one may play, in many Chinese card games, one or more cards in each round, the meaning of a "trick" is somewhat different from its usual meanings in western card games. When a Luk Fu player wins a round of the game by playing some n cards, he is said to have won n tricks, or in Chinese, n Fu's (湖 "Lakes" or 虎 "Tigers")[3]. For example, a player who wins this round by playing quad fives is considered to have taken four tricks.
In Hong Kong, when a Hakka player wants to declares victory, he usually calls out Sid Fu (食糊[4] "Eat Purée"), like he does in a Mahjong game. A Luk Fu player can declare victory only at the beginning of each round, and only if he meets the following requirements:
- he is the leader, and
- the number of tricks he has won so far plus the number of aged cards in his hand is at least six.
Example. Player A has taken 1 trick previously and he has 2 Sip, 6 Gon, 9 Chen, 8 Chen and triple sevens left in his hand. Player B leads triple fives, player C surrenders and player A wins 3 more tricks by playing triple sevens . Now player A becomes the leader. As he has already taken 4 tricks in total and has 2 aged cards (9 Chen and 8 Chen) in his hand, he can declare victory now, with 6 tricks won.
After acquiring enough tricks, a player may opt not to declare victory and continue playing the hand, so as to win more tricks. However, next time, before he declares victory, he still has to become a leader, and the other players may win the hand before he can do that.
If all cards have been played and no one gets enough tricks, the game is drawn.
If a player wins by producing Ng Fu Ha San before the actual play of the hand, he gets 8 tricks and the losers only need to pay him the appropriate amounts of points. However, if the winner actually played the hand, and the numerical value of the dreamer's card (Li Chen = 1) matches the numerical value of any of the winner's trick-taking cards (i.e. the cards that the winner won tricks with, or the aged cards left in his hand), the losers also need to pay the dreamer certain amounts of points. In this case, the dreamer is always granted 5 tricks and every match of numerical values is counted as an additional trick.
The number of tricks, like the number of Faans (翻) in mahjong, is an exponent in scoring. If the winner has won n tricks, every loser has to pay him 2n-6 points, i.e. 1 point for 6 tricks, 2 points for 7 tricks, 4 points for 8 tricks, and so on. But 12 tricks give an extra double, i.e. they amount to 2×212-6 = 128 points instead. In some places, the number of tricks is subtracted first by 5 instead of 6 in the exponent (i.e. 2n-5 instead of 2n-6 is used in the above calculations).
The income of the dreamer is computed in the same way, except that the n in the exponent is the number of tricks won by the dreamer instead of the winner.
If the privileged player loses the hand, he is responsible for the loss of another loser. Example:
Player 2 is privileged. The dreamer is dealt 1 Sok. In a certain round, player 3 wins his first three tricks by playing triple eights. By having these three tricks and also 9 Chen, 1 Sip and Li Chen in his hand, player 3 declares victory.In this example, the dealer and player 2 lose, player 3 has won 6 tricks (3 tricks on the table plus 3 aged cards in his hand) and the dreamer has won 7 tricks (the winner's 1 Sip and Li Chen have the same numerical value as the dreamer's 1 Sok). Should player 2 have won the game, each loser will pay him 1 point and the dreamer 2 points. But now that player 2 is privileged and he loses the hand, player 1 is saved, player 2 loses 6 points, player 3 wins 2 points and the dreamer wins 4 points.
Three-player game
The rules for a three-player game are essentially identical to those for a four-player game, except that there is no dreamer and the extra card Li Chen is also removed (so that only the 36 cards from the four suits are used). As a result, the rules for Ng Fu Ha San do not apply here.
Luk Fu players may disagree on how to play the game. In particular, there are two common controversies. The first one arises from the evasion of calling the hand when one receives a strong hand. Luk Fu players often despise people who behave this way, or even forbid the others from evading the call. Yet the definition of a "strong hand" is not written in black and white.
For example, some players may think that, when some non-overlapping groups, runs and aged cards can be spotted in six or more of the dealer's cards, even if the hand contains something like
1 Sip, 1 Chen, Li Chen, {5,4,3} Chen runand some low-ranked single cards, he should not evade the call. If he evades the call but wins, the privileged loser may refuse to pay him and the other loser may condemn him as well. However, if he has broken the {5,4,3} Chen run apart during the course of play, some players may think that his victory is acceptable. So, there is no rigourous or clear criterion to judge when evasion is allowed and when it is not. For evasions by players 2 or 3, the judgment line is even looser and fuzzier, but we will not further our discussion here.
Another common controversy is about the definition of aged cards. For example, according to the rules we describe here, whenever one can assert through a logical argument that a certain single card is unbeatable, the card should be regarded as aged. In practice, however, the logical reasoning may be sophisticated at times. Hence those players who do not understand the argument will question the card's status. The reader should avoid making complicated arguments if he/she only wants to play a casual game for fun.
The first author wishes to thank Mr John McLeod of pagat.com for his very helpful discussions.
- Dylan W.H. Sung (1996), Hak Ga Luk Fu Pai, reocities.com.
- John McLeod (2000), Rules of Card Games: Luk Fu (六虎), pagat.com.
- Anthony Smith and Günther Senst (1996), Liuk Fu, Cháng Pái and Other East Asian Trick-Taking Games, The Playing-Card, XXIV/4, pp.111-119.
- C.T. Dobree (1955), Gambling Games of Malaya, Caxton Press, Kuala Lumpur.
Related webpages
- 客家六虎牌(一) 、(二)、(三)、(四) "The Hakka Luk Fu card game (1), (2), (3), (4)". This series of articles discusses some historical aspects of Luk Fu.
- Money-suited Cards; Andy's Playing Cards
- 传统客家牌——六胡(拾、贯、索、钱叫法来历) "Traditional Hakka playing cards ── the origin of the names Sip, Gon, Sok and Chen", HakkaOnline.com
- 客家紙牌是這樣玩的(非常基礎篇) "Hakka playing cards are played in this way (a very elementary introduction)", 情牽老圍
- 客家民俗风情[一]客家纸牌 "Hakka folk customs (1): Hakka playing cards", baidu.com
[1] When transcribing Chinese terms, one often-met problem is to decide on an appropriate romanisation scheme. Unfortunately, most of such schemes are unintelligible to non-Chinese readers. In this article, except for a few terms that have widely accepted transcriptions (e.g. 麻雀 → Mahjong), we will adopt the Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanisation, because most words it transcribes into can be read like ordinary English. Note, however, that we will transcribe the Hakka pronunciations of those Luk Fu jargon terms, not the cantonese ones.
[2] Ma Tiu (馬弔, a.k.a. Ma Diao or Madiao), Khanhoo (看虎 or "Watching Tigers") and Che Cheung (扯章 or "Pulling Tricks") were the three most popular card games in Ming Dynasty. They are all trick-taking games that are played with the same set of cards. The Khanhoo here is not the one that Sir W.H. Wilkinson introduced into Europe in early 1890's. The two Khanhoo's have some common melds, but Wilkinson's Khanhoo is a draw-and-discard game.
[3] Obviously, one does not win a tiger or a lake, and the meanings of these terms shall not be taken literally. These terms actually originate from the names of ancient Chinese games, which usually contain one of the three rhyming characters 虎 ("Tiger"), 和 ("Harmony") and 湖 ("Lake").
[4] The jargon terms 和 and 湖 are also used in declaring victory. In a Chinese card or dominoe game, when a player wins a hand, he may call out 和了 ("和-ed") or 湖了 ("湖-ed"). The former, however, is confusing because it also means "the hand is drawn". This is perhaps the reason why, during the 18th and 19th centuries, the uses of 湖 had become widespread. Nonetheless, in late 19th century, fewer and fewer people knew the correct character for the jargon term 湖. Most people in mainland China started to write 胡 (a collective name for the foreign races in the west/north to China) instead. The people of Hong Kong, in contrast, took 糊 ("Purée") as the jargon term and call winning a hand "Eat Purée" (食糊) to make things interesting. In a Mahjong match, when the hand of a player is just one tile short of winning, the player is even said to 叫糊 ("Order a Purée").
傳統遊藝(天九、馬弔、麻雀 …)

此媒體藝術節於 1998 年開辦,今年是第十四屆,歷屆大賞得主如下:
(註:2010 年度的獎項乃於 2011 年才頒發 ,餘此類推。今屆媒體藝術節將於下月初才舉行。以下括弧內為華人地區通用譯名。)
2010: ヒストリエ(歷史之眼)
2009: ヴィンランド・サガ(海盜戰記)
2008: ピアノの森(琴之森)
2004:夕凪の街 桜の国
2002:セクシーボイス アンド ロボ (Sexy Voice and Robot)
1999:アイ’ム ホーム
此媒體藝術節於 1998 年開辦,今年是第十四屆,歷屆大賞得主如下:
(註:2010 年度的獎項乃於 2011 年才頒發 ,餘此類推。今屆媒體藝術節將於下月初才舉行。以下括弧內為華人地區通用譯名。)
2010: ヒストリエ(歷史之眼)
2009: ヴィンランド・サガ(海盜戰記)
2008: ピアノの森(琴之森)
2004:夕凪の街 桜の国
2002:セクシーボイス アンド ロボ (Sexy Voice and Robot)
1999:アイ’ム ホーム
果 D 唔知入唔入流的文化野

我與王小發君合寫的客家六虎牌例快將完稿,只剩下一些文字修飾。由於 pagat.com 的 McLeod 先生叫我完稿後通知他,所以我心想,不如索性將文章譯成英文,好方便海外讀者。誰知下筆之後,才發現大為不妙。我本身英語水準不足固然是主因,然而中國牌戲與西方牌戲之間一些根本差別,也造成很大困難。
例如在中國牌戲之中,「上/下家」是一個很基本的概念。西方牌戲當然也有上下家,但沒有「上/下家」這個詞語。我不熟悉英語牌戲術語,為求謹慎,也看了多個講牌戲的網頁,但都找不到相應詞彙。偶有形容上家的片語,諸如 the player to his left(或者 right,視乎打擊順序),或者 the player before him in turn order 等等,又顯得相當累贅。
我曾經想過用 upstrem/downstream player(s) 來形容上下家,可是根據 Google 大神的啟示, upstream player 原來在某些西方牌戲中有另外的意思。後來我又想,不如說 upwind/downwind player(s) 吧,但是這樣一來又要解釋詞語定義,二來 wind 又可能令人誤會與麻雀的門風有關,因此最後還是打消了用此語的念頭。也許可以說 preceding/succeeding players 吧,但感覺總好像在寫 Computer Science 101 裏面 linked list 的章節似的。
另一個較棘手的麻煩,就是許多西方牌戲都只容許玩家每次只出一張牌。中國牌戲卻非這樣,先手者既可以出單牌,也可以出組合。中文的話,我們可以說玩家打出一種「牌型」。這只有兩個字的詞語,英文卻對不上。最直觀的譯法是 combination,然而中國牌戲的牌型可以是單牌,因此說 combination 會有語病。如果硬要發明一個術語的話,我覺得可以跟從講天九的古籍,用「隊形/陣式」(formation) 來形容包含一隻或多隻牌的牌型,不過我始終不想創作新術語。
還有其他林林總總的術語,也很難直譯。例如「先手」是 leading player,但是英語卻沒有「後手」。另外「打牌」(這裏指打出一種牌來攻擊上家)及「墊牌」,後者可以說 surrenders/discards his cards,前者卻沒有相應術語。若說 plays his cards,很難分辨到底是「打牌」、「墊牌」還是接近「打牌」,但較中性的「出牌」。Beat 本來是牌戲中「打」這個意思的常用術語,但它是及物動詞,中文寫「打牌」的時候,卻不必說打了誰的牌。我最後迫於無奈,唯有在個別地方用 attack 來形容,也不知讀者會否明白。
除了尋找相應術語,另一類令人頭痛的問題,是音譯。有時為了方便西方讀者與華人玩家溝通,寫牌例的人都會為術語附上音譯,例如「索子」可以說 Sok (索 "Strings of Coins")。問題是,音譯的對像,可以是官話、粵語、客家話等等,而每種語言的音譯的方式又有 N 咁多種。究竟應該用那一種譯音方案來譯那一種話?更加抓爆頭的是,若譯文中提及其他中國牌戲,而這些牌戲又各有其慣用的譯法(例如馬弔多用官話譯成 Ma Diao,而天九則多用南方話譯成 Tien Gow 或 Tin Kau),各種音譯共冶一爐,都唔知點解釋。
例如在中國牌戲之中,「上/下家」是一個很基本的概念。西方牌戲當然也有上下家,但沒有「上/下家」這個詞語。我不熟悉英語牌戲術語,為求謹慎,也看了多個講牌戲的網頁,但都找不到相應詞彙。偶有形容上家的片語,諸如 the player to his left(或者 right,視乎打擊順序),或者 the player before him in turn order 等等,又顯得相當累贅。
我曾經想過用 upstrem/downstream player(s) 來形容上下家,可是根據 Google 大神的啟示, upstream player 原來在某些西方牌戲中有另外的意思。後來我又想,不如說 upwind/downwind player(s) 吧,但是這樣一來又要解釋詞語定義,二來 wind 又可能令人誤會與麻雀的門風有關,因此最後還是打消了用此語的念頭。也許可以說 preceding/succeeding players 吧,但感覺總好像在寫 Computer Science 101 裏面 linked list 的章節似的。
另一個較棘手的麻煩,就是許多西方牌戲都只容許玩家每次只出一張牌。中國牌戲卻非這樣,先手者既可以出單牌,也可以出組合。中文的話,我們可以說玩家打出一種「牌型」。這只有兩個字的詞語,英文卻對不上。最直觀的譯法是 combination,然而中國牌戲的牌型可以是單牌,因此說 combination 會有語病。如果硬要發明一個術語的話,我覺得可以跟從講天九的古籍,用「隊形/陣式」(formation) 來形容包含一隻或多隻牌的牌型,不過我始終不想創作新術語。
還有其他林林總總的術語,也很難直譯。例如「先手」是 leading player,但是英語卻沒有「後手」。另外「打牌」(這裏指打出一種牌來攻擊上家)及「墊牌」,後者可以說 surrenders/discards his cards,前者卻沒有相應術語。若說 plays his cards,很難分辨到底是「打牌」、「墊牌」還是接近「打牌」,但較中性的「出牌」。Beat 本來是牌戲中「打」這個意思的常用術語,但它是及物動詞,中文寫「打牌」的時候,卻不必說打了誰的牌。我最後迫於無奈,唯有在個別地方用 attack 來形容,也不知讀者會否明白。
除了尋找相應術語,另一類令人頭痛的問題,是音譯。有時為了方便西方讀者與華人玩家溝通,寫牌例的人都會為術語附上音譯,例如「索子」可以說 Sok (索 "Strings of Coins")。問題是,音譯的對像,可以是官話、粵語、客家話等等,而每種語言的音譯的方式又有 N 咁多種。究竟應該用那一種譯音方案來譯那一種話?更加抓爆頭的是,若譯文中提及其他中國牌戲,而這些牌戲又各有其慣用的譯法(例如馬弔多用官話譯成 Ma Diao,而天九則多用南方話譯成 Tien Gow 或 Tin Kau),各種音譯共冶一爐,都唔知點解釋。
傳統遊藝(天九、馬弔、麻雀 …)

AITF 2011 吹水巨獻:歌詞
tommyjonk 於其網誌說「他們說廣東歌已死,我就是不信。且看以下十首歌曲能否打動你?」自彭羚引退之後,除了偶爾在電視或車上聽廣播之外,我已經再無聽廣東歌。tommyjonk 那麼熱情,做讀者的就不妨奉陪一次。聽完他推薦的十首歌之後,我想,若這些就是招牌貨色,香港樂壇真是大為不妙。
因此,在聽過 tommyjonk 介紹的十首歌之後,我就花了幾分鐘的時間,非常認真地去想,為何我覺得十首歌之中,大部份都無甚看頭?
愛慕(鄭國江):前「我已對你去盡了,心碎難補 …… 我縱已去盡了,我滿心愛慕」
豈有此理(詞:某人;唱:Blue Jeans)
現在再看看 tommyjonk 推薦的其中幾首歌:
刀切到手了 想痛歸心的大叫
捧到金奬了 謝辭像在喉內燒
動人對象前 寫一世示愛的字條
默然六十年 又期望誰心照
當你失聲了 先了解聲音重要
迫到這死角 便明白做人目標
此際竟開竅 應該接受哪種治療
拿來潤喉熱蜜糖 萬人面前 乾了
秒速 捉得緊了
銀或金 都不緊要
誰造機芯 一樣了
計劃了 照做了 得到了 時間卻太少 no~
還剩低 幾多心跳
還在數 趕不及了
昂貴是這刻 我覺悟了
在時計裏 看破一生 渺渺
發現嗎 就快看不見地球 太悶嗎 被困這偏遠月球
這裡沒有花 你種過嗎 這裡沒有家 你會開心嗎 我害怕
再見末世裡只看到被染污的年華 流連在月球嗎
如果記掛 回去好嗎 若離開更怕 回去好嗎
都是黃偉文的詞。印象中近年三大填詞人 ── 林夕、黃偉文、周博賢,前二者都用了許多助語詞(至於後者,我少聽歌,不知他有甚麼作品)。林夕用得小心,很少出現小學句式;黃偉文則很濫,也用得很突兀。這樣填的詞,例如上面的《月球人》,還算過得去(「嗎」發去聲而非上聲是其中一個原因),但其他大多都很礙耳。
因此,在聽過 tommyjonk 介紹的十首歌之後,我就花了幾分鐘的時間,非常認真地去想,為何我覺得十首歌之中,大部份都無甚看頭?
- 無 = 歌詞中沒任何一單句以「了、嗎、吧」結尾;
- 前 = 歌詞中有句子以「了、嗎、吧」作結,但並非用在複句末端;
- 複 = 歌詞中有複句以「了、嗎、吧」作結;
愛慕(鄭國江):前「我已對你去盡了,心碎難補 …… 我縱已去盡了,我滿心愛慕」
豈有此理(詞:某人;唱:Blue Jeans)
你還愛我嗎(詞︰潘源良)但「嗎」 字作複句結尾,也只出現在歌詞的第一段,而且歌名也一早令聽眾預期歌中有「嗎」字。
你還愛我嗎 我怎麼竟有點怕
現況天天在變化 情感不變嗎
現在再看看 tommyjonk 推薦的其中幾首歌:
刀切到手了 想痛歸心的大叫
捧到金奬了 謝辭像在喉內燒
動人對象前 寫一世示愛的字條
默然六十年 又期望誰心照
當你失聲了 先了解聲音重要
迫到這死角 便明白做人目標
此際竟開竅 應該接受哪種治療
拿來潤喉熱蜜糖 萬人面前 乾了
秒速 捉得緊了
銀或金 都不緊要
誰造機芯 一樣了
計劃了 照做了 得到了 時間卻太少 no~
還剩低 幾多心跳
還在數 趕不及了
昂貴是這刻 我覺悟了
在時計裏 看破一生 渺渺
發現嗎 就快看不見地球 太悶嗎 被困這偏遠月球
這裡沒有花 你種過嗎 這裡沒有家 你會開心嗎 我害怕
再見末世裡只看到被染污的年華 流連在月球嗎
如果記掛 回去好嗎 若離開更怕 回去好嗎
都是黃偉文的詞。印象中近年三大填詞人 ── 林夕、黃偉文、周博賢,前二者都用了許多助語詞(至於後者,我少聽歌,不知他有甚麼作品)。林夕用得小心,很少出現小學句式;黃偉文則很濫,也用得很突兀。這樣填的詞,例如上面的《月球人》,還算過得去(「嗎」發去聲而非上聲是其中一個原因),但其他大多都很礙耳。

在 ESWN 看到這個:
Good Manners in the Age of WikiLeaks看了幾段,驚嘆作者可以天南地北,無所不談,不禁問,作者是誰?看一看,哦,原來是齊澤克,難怪。
We shouldn’t forget that power comprises not only institutions and their rules, but also legitimate (‘normal’) ways of challenging it (an independent press, NGOs etc) – as the Indian academic Saroj Giri put it, WikiLeaks ‘challenged power by challenging the normal channels of challenging power and revealing the truth’.不要問我上面這段說話為何精警,它其實有很大的詮釋空間,但下面這段,相信任何人都會明白(而且還很實用):
In Baisers volés, Delphine Seyrig explains to her young lover the difference between politeness and tact: ‘Imagine you inadvertently enter a bathroom where a woman is standing naked under the shower. Politeness requires that you quickly close the door and say, “Pardon, Madame!”, whereas tact would be to quickly close the door and say: “Pardon, Monsieur!”’ It is only in the second case, by pretending not to have seen enough even to make out the sex of the person under the shower, that one displays true tact.
1) 賀尊 ── 輸 2 分乘莊家倍數,即時支收。
2) 四大賀 ── 輸 4 分乘莊家倍數,即時支收。
天九以四戙打和,各敗者於局終時的輸贏為他所持戙數與四戙之間的差額,故手持多於四戙的敗者可以有收益(入一或入二),唯輸空戙當輸 5 分而非 4 分。此經修正後的差額,稱為「除淨後戙數」。
3) 包尊 ── 雙計。
4) 四大包 ── 四倍計。
5) 么結 ── 雙計。
6) 擒 ── 與么結的計法相同,但被擒者須包攬各敗者的損失。入一入二之數仍由結者負擔(此數原是結者而非敗者的損失,故被擒者毋須負責)。
七支與八支:一般輸空戙當輸 5 分,但是:
7) 七支牌 ── 雙計(亦即輸 10 分)。
8) 八支牌 ── 四倍計(亦即輸 20 分)。
9) 若七/八支牌與其他奇牌結牌方式(即 (3), (4) 或 (5))同時出現,倍數累計。
10) 各輸家計算所輸分數之後,還須乘上莊家倍數。若有人被擒,他要包攬的,是各輸家所輸分數乘上各自的莊家倍數之後的總和,而非各人所輸分數總和乘上被擒者(與莊家之間)的莊家倍數。
11) 入一或入二之數,一律由結牌者負擔(即使有人被擒亦然)。莊家結,莊家賠 1 分(或 2 分)再乘莊家倍數;閒家結,結者只賠 1 分(或 2 分),毋須乘上莊家倍數,亦即莊家光榮撤退時,不用加倍獎賞。若結者用奇牌結,其所得的額外獎賞倍數,並不能用來倍大入一或入二者的收益。
由本人製作,支援藍牙多人對戰的天九遊戲 T9 已經悄悄上架。若各位喜愛天九,請到 Google Play 支持本人繼續開發。儘管這是個收費軟件,但只要回本,我就已經很高興了。
- 莊家倍數 = 莊家於本局完結前的連續當莊次數 + 1。
- 初任 ⇒ 莊家倍數 = 2,
- 兩任 ⇒ 莊家倍數 = 3,餘此類推。
1) 賀尊 ── 輸 2 分乘莊家倍數,即時支收。
2) 四大賀 ── 輸 4 分乘莊家倍數,即時支收。
天九以四戙打和,各敗者於局終時的輸贏為他所持戙數與四戙之間的差額,故手持多於四戙的敗者可以有收益(入一或入二),唯輸空戙當輸 5 分而非 4 分。此經修正後的差額,稱為「除淨後戙數」。
3) 包尊 ── 雙計。
4) 四大包 ── 四倍計。
5) 么結 ── 雙計。
6) 擒 ── 與么結的計法相同,但被擒者須包攬各敗者的損失。入一入二之數仍由結者負擔(此數原是結者而非敗者的損失,故被擒者毋須負責)。
七支與八支:一般輸空戙當輸 5 分,但是:
7) 七支牌 ── 雙計(亦即輸 10 分)。
8) 八支牌 ── 四倍計(亦即輸 20 分)。
9) 若七/八支牌與其他奇牌結牌方式(即 (3), (4) 或 (5))同時出現,倍數累計。
10) 各輸家計算所輸分數之後,還須乘上莊家倍數。若有人被擒,他要包攬的,是各輸家所輸分數乘上各自的莊家倍數之後的總和,而非各人所輸分數總和乘上被擒者(與莊家之間)的莊家倍數。
11) 入一或入二之數,一律由結牌者負擔(即使有人被擒亦然)。莊家結,莊家賠 1 分(或 2 分)再乘莊家倍數;閒家結,結者只賠 1 分(或 2 分),毋須乘上莊家倍數,亦即莊家光榮撤退時,不用加倍獎賞。若結者用奇牌結,其所得的額外獎賞倍數,並不能用來倍大入一或入二者的收益。
由本人製作,支援藍牙多人對戰的天九遊戲 T9 已經悄悄上架。若各位喜愛天九,請到 Google Play 支持本人繼續開發。儘管這是個收費軟件,但只要回本,我就已經很高興了。
傳統遊藝(天九、馬弔、麻雀 …)

男子遭分屍掟落街 右臂雙腿斬斷 列懷疑兇殺無可疑才怪 ……
(明報)2011年1月8日 星期六 05:05
習近平個 friend
《東南西北》的宋先生今日抽出一則維基解密密電來談。該密電的線人自稱習近平的老友,內容主要憶述習近平的性情與經歷。儘管維基解密隱去電文中部份人的名字,但仍包含許多關於該線人身份的蛛絲馬跡。例如它提及該線人的父親是 "the PRC's first Minister of Labor and a member of the first Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Standing Committee",《明報》就指出中共建政後首任勞動部長為李立三。
然而第 6 段說線人的父親為 "PRC's first Minister of Labor",而李立三又確實是首任勞動部長,這該怎樣解釋?
中共早期有一個叫「中國勞動組合書記部」的工人運動機構,後改稱「中華全國總工會」,而根據湘鄉市委市政府的資料,易禮容從 1948 年 8 月起擔任該會第六屆常務執行委員兼勞動保障部長,而中國勞動部本身又於 1998 年改稱為「勞動和社會保障部」。這解釋了 "Minister of Labor" 這個誤解的來由。
蒙匿名網友提供免費「人肉」服務,找出易禮容有位博士兒子叫 Dr. Xiaoxiong Yi(又後記:按中國國際人才交流基金會的新聞稿,易博士的中文名為易小熊)。根據易博士自述:
The Moral Hazards of Too Much Entertaining Transparency, ala Wikileaks; The Shanghai Scrap blog.
So this specific piece of information in the embassy cable about the professor being the child of the first PRC Minister of Labor is wrong. But what do you expect anyway? They actually thought Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.電文中有好幾段都含有揭露線人身份的線索,其中第 3, 4, 6, 8 段如下:
¶3. (C) ... The contact is an American citizen of Chinese descent who teaches political science at XXXXXXXXXXXX.其實單看第 8 段,已知該線人的父親並非李立三,原因是中共將劉少奇打成走資派之後,李立三亦受牽連,並於 1967 年自殺,所以絕不可能 spent most of the Cultural Revoluation years in prison。第 6 段提及線人的父親為中共首屆政協常委,也與李立三從第三屆開始才擔任政協常委的經歷不符(歷屆常委名單見此)。
¶4. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXX and Xi Jinping were both born in 1953 and grew up in similar circumstances. According to the professor, they lived with other sons and daughters of China's first-generation revolutionaries in the senior leaders' compounds in Beijing and were groomed to become China's ruling elite. The professor did not know Xi personally until they had both reached their late teens, when the professor began to hear about Xi from the professor's best friend, XXXXXXXXXXXX, who was later sent to the same village as Xi in Shaanxi province during the Cultural Revolution. (Note: According to the professor, Zhou Sanhua's father was a former editor-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Daily.) By the time the professor and Xi had returned separately from the countryside, they had come to know each other personally, initially through Zhou Sanhua's introduction, and maintained a relationship for the next 15 years (ca. 1972 to 1987), even though their lives and careers took markedly different paths.
¶6. (C) The professor's father was also an early revolutionary and contemporary of Mao, from a neighboring county to Mao's in Hunan province. The professor's father participated in the revolution periodically but also spent time in Japan and Hong Kong, distinguishing himself as a labor leader. In 1949, according to the professor, his father agreed to return to Beijing at Mao's insistence and became the PRC's first Minister of Labor and a member of the first Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Standing Committee.
¶8. (C) ... The professor's father was falsely accused of supporting Liu Shaoqi and spent most of the Cultural Revolution years (1966-1976) in prison. ...
然而第 6 段說線人的父親為 "PRC's first Minister of Labor",而李立三又確實是首任勞動部長,這該怎樣解釋?
中共早期有一個叫「中國勞動組合書記部」的工人運動機構,後改稱「中華全國總工會」,而根據湘鄉市委市政府的資料,易禮容從 1948 年 8 月起擔任該會第六屆常務執行委員兼勞動保障部長,而中國勞動部本身又於 1998 年改稱為「勞動和社會保障部」。這解釋了 "Minister of Labor" 這個誤解的來由。
- 電文第 4 段的 "XXXXXXXXXXXX",宋先生認為指該線人,但是若然如此,電文中其他地方大可直呼其名,無必要將該線人諱稱為 "the professor"。我認為該 XXXXXXXXXXXX 可能是另一個人。
- 宋先生指電文內容為偽,並諷刺大使館那班人,說 "they actually thought Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction",我不同意。看以往的大使館電文(例如本博以前討論過的六四電文),我們會發現它們只是初級情報。大使館不過將搜集得到而又有趣的情報通傳回國內,讓情報機關進一步分析真偽、判斷輕重。電文包含某些消息,只表示有關方面認為該消息有可查考的價值,而不表示使館人員相信該消息必然真確。美國政府也從不相信侯賽因有大殺傷力武器,它只是指示情報機關偽造情報,誤導國民支持侵略伊拉克。
蒙匿名網友提供免費「人肉」服務,找出易禮容有位博士兒子叫 Dr. Xiaoxiong Yi(又後記:按中國國際人才交流基金會的新聞稿,易博士的中文名為易小熊)。根據易博士自述:
Dr. Xiaoxiong Yi is an associate professor of Political Science and the Director of International Programs at Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio.他在 Marietta College 的 bio. 見此。易博士的網誌有一欄,專門刊出有關其父親易禮容的文章。
The Moral Hazards of Too Much Entertaining Transparency, ala Wikileaks; The Shanghai Scrap blog.
1)《歷史之眼》。電視有大河劇,漫畫也有史詩。《歷史之眼》是科幻漫畫《寄生獸》作者岩明均忽然轉型之作,是一部從主角尤米尼斯 (362 BC—316 BC) 的經歷展開的馬其頓野史。岩明均的畫功毫不可取,故事和人物描寫才是他的強項。漫畫中尤米尼斯的性格有點似《銀河英雄傳說》的楊威利(除了並不厭戰),喜歡銀英傳的朋友相信也會喜歡尤米尼斯這個角色。連載的速度有點慢,暫時只講到尤米尼斯剛成為馬其頓王腓力的秘書官,阿歷山大還未登基,不過故事情節已相當曲折而且豐富,是近年我最期待的漫畫。有一部以北歐歷史作舞台的《海盜戰記》我也喜歡,但是《海》較多講述生於冰島的北美探險家托爾芬 (born 980 AD—died after 1007 AD) 的私人恩怨,歷史味沒有《歷》那麼濃。
2)《地球防衛少年》。 這套不久前完結的漫畫講述十幾位少年,輪流駕駛巨型機械人對抗外來怪物。表面看來毫不特別,骨子裏卻非常殘酷 ── 是社會性的殘酷。原來每位駕駛員於戰鬥之前,已經註定不能退出,也不能生還,而且有時由於無法選定戰場,令戰鬥在人煙稠密的地方展開,造成嚴重傷亡。結果他們雖然在保衛地球,卻註定成為悲劇角色,還要招人怨恨。究竟他們如何看待生死、面對家人、安排身後事、完成未竟心願?
6)《CLAYMORE大劍》。《大劍》從一開始已經設定為戰鬥漫畫。論內容,它只是一個普通的復仇故事,但是印象中很少戰鬥漫畫可以寫得這麼紮實。它的故事主線,幾乎每一話也有確實進展(雖然也偶有失準),令人想追看下去。即使是那種「學藝升 level」的陳套公式,作者也運用得很好,不會有主角武功無止境地進步,或者突然成為天下第一的情況發生。事實上,《大劍》的故事一早已經設限,無論人類怎麼努力,力量上也不可能接近(遑論凌駕)故事中稱為「深淵之人」的怪物,所以《大劍》對戰鬥的描寫,較其他漫畫有說服力。然而這套漫畫吸引我的,並非戰鬥元素,而是它描寫的同袍之情或「姊妹情」。許多戰鬥漫畫裏面的戰鬥夥伴,都是「一群熱熱鬧鬧的傢伙,加一兩個很 cool 的角色」那種,但而《大劍》描述的卻是於多次戰鬥之中,一同出生入死,才累積起來的細膩情懷,剎是好看。故事用了許多話鋪排主角古妮雅與迪尼莎相識,及後來迪尼莎遇害,令古妮雅矢志復仇,更是全書我最喜愛的部份。
順帶一提,要看《大劍》 的話,還是應看漫畫版。《大劍》動畫依我看是云云動畫之中,與原漫畫落差最大的一部。它最主要敗於畫面用色太沉,但是其動作場面之悶(要記得這是戰鬥動畫!),也是罕見。
2)《地球防衛少年》。 這套不久前完結的漫畫講述十幾位少年,輪流駕駛巨型機械人對抗外來怪物。表面看來毫不特別,骨子裏卻非常殘酷 ── 是社會性的殘酷。原來每位駕駛員於戰鬥之前,已經註定不能退出,也不能生還,而且有時由於無法選定戰場,令戰鬥在人煙稠密的地方展開,造成嚴重傷亡。結果他們雖然在保衛地球,卻註定成為悲劇角色,還要招人怨恨。究竟他們如何看待生死、面對家人、安排身後事、完成未竟心願?
6)《CLAYMORE大劍》。《大劍》從一開始已經設定為戰鬥漫畫。論內容,它只是一個普通的復仇故事,但是印象中很少戰鬥漫畫可以寫得這麼紮實。它的故事主線,幾乎每一話也有確實進展(雖然也偶有失準),令人想追看下去。即使是那種「學藝升 level」的陳套公式,作者也運用得很好,不會有主角武功無止境地進步,或者突然成為天下第一的情況發生。事實上,《大劍》的故事一早已經設限,無論人類怎麼努力,力量上也不可能接近(遑論凌駕)故事中稱為「深淵之人」的怪物,所以《大劍》對戰鬥的描寫,較其他漫畫有說服力。然而這套漫畫吸引我的,並非戰鬥元素,而是它描寫的同袍之情或「姊妹情」。許多戰鬥漫畫裏面的戰鬥夥伴,都是「一群熱熱鬧鬧的傢伙,加一兩個很 cool 的角色」那種,但而《大劍》描述的卻是於多次戰鬥之中,一同出生入死,才累積起來的細膩情懷,剎是好看。故事用了許多話鋪排主角古妮雅與迪尼莎相識,及後來迪尼莎遇害,令古妮雅矢志復仇,更是全書我最喜愛的部份。
順帶一提,要看《大劍》 的話,還是應看漫畫版。《大劍》動畫依我看是云云動畫之中,與原漫畫落差最大的一部。它最主要敗於畫面用色太沉,但是其動作場面之悶(要記得這是戰鬥動畫!),也是罕見。
果 D 唔知入唔入流的文化野

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