誰知 SIL 處理了我的要求,並於個多小時前回覆:
Hello [my name],感謝 SIL 的 Spanne 小姐肯回覆。可能我寫得不好,但我本來的意思正正是要改名。現時「粵語」為 [yue] "Yue, Chinese",其中 [yue] 是 language code/identifier,"Yue" 是 name 而 "Chinese" 是 name of the macrolanguage。由於 SIL 不容許修改 language code,因此我先前提交的 minimalist approach 主張把它改為 [yue] "Yuet, Chinese"。
I recommend that you make your request to update name information associated with the identifer [yue] independent of any effort to adhere to any mnemonic correlation between name and identifier. For example, the code element
[aaa] "Ghotuo"
bears no mnemonic association between identifier and name. It is not a requirement.
The primary reason that "Yue, Chinese" is used with [yue] is to make clear that the code element denotes a broader set of (mutually intelligible) varieties than are commonly associated with the name "Cantonese" (Cantonese proper, Yuehai 粵海), its most prestigious variety.
Best regards,
Joan Spanne
ISO 639-3/RA
SIL International
7500 W Camp Wisdom Rd
Dallas, TX 75236
然而我之前把 SIL 想象得太保守了。按 Spanne 小姐的說法,原來 language identifier 不必跟 name information 有關,因此我大早可以建議用 [yue] "Cantonese, Chinese"。不過 Spanne 小姐認為 "Yue" 指的是 "a broader set of (mutually intelligible) varieties than are commonly associated with the name "Cantonese" (Cantonese proper, Yuehai 粵海), its most prestigious variety",這便有點棘手。不知大家有何高見?