

英國工黨國會議員,前環境大臣 Michael Meacher 日前猝逝,黨魁 Jeremy Corbyn 問其家人希望別人如何懷緬他。我對英國政界無甚認識,不過聽到 Corbyn 於國會念出 Meacher 一家送來的悼詞時,覺得很有意思。悼詞我猜是由 Meacher 的子女所寫的,內容如下,相當簡短(YouTube 片段從 2:31 開始):
“When I was young, one of the things he frequently said to me was that people went into politics because they had principles and wanted to change things to make the world better.

“But in order to get into power they would often compromise on their principles, and this would happen again and again, until if they eventually did get into power, they would have become so compromised that they would do nothing with it.”
