大衛像可謂意大利國寶,等閒都不會外借展出,記憶中它也未到過香港。真正被淫審處列作 II 級(不雅)的等身人像,是已故英國藝術家 Dame Elisabeth Frink 所創作的銅像「新人」(New Man,詳情見本網誌另一舊文)。展出該銅像的並非香港藝術館,而是某商廈大堂。此事發生於九五年二月,日期與「大衛像」事件相近,日後人們大概因此誤以為當年被淫審處列作不雅的,為大衛像的真品。
「新人」 銅像案中,物主不服淫審處的評級,最後上訴到高等法院,得直。此案的判案書獲司法機構上載至「法律參考資料系統」,可見其中的法律觀點有重大意義。此判詞中最重要的,是法官指出了銅像根本就不是《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例 》所管制的物品,因此淫審處不具審裁權。法例的第一條指
"article" (物品) means any thing consisting of or containing material to be read or looked at or both read and looked at, any sound recording, and any film, video-tape, disc or other record of a picture or pictures;主審的 Findlay 法官說,他難以相信立法者會認為一尊人像是「含有供……觀看的資料的……物件」。人像當然是供觀看的,但並非含有可供觀看的資料 (material)。該人像包含的材料 (material) 是銅,但這並非供觀看的東西。銅像,而非它包含的材料,才是讓人觀看的東西。就算將日常英語的用法扭曲到盡,他也不相信銅像符合條例所管制的「物品」的定義。
“物品”(article) 指內容屬於或含有供閱讀、觀看或供閱讀兼觀看的資料的任何物件,亦指任何錄音,以及錄有一幅或多幅圖像的任何影片、錄影帶、紀錄碟或其他紀錄;
It is, to my mind, very difficult to believe that the law-maker had in mind a statue as a "thing consisting of . . . material to be . . . looked at . . ." A statue is a thing to be looked at, but it is not a thing consisting of material to be looked at. The material of which the statue consists is bronze, but this is not what is to be looked at. The statue itself is the thing to be looked at, not the material of which it consists. I do not believe that, even by stretching the use of ordinary English words to breaking point, it is possible to fit a statue within the definition.按同樣道理,Findlay 法官亦不接納性商店販賣的假陽具為條例所管制的「物品」。假陽具並非「含有供閱讀、觀看或供閱讀兼觀看的資料……物件」,而是有其他用途:
it is difficult for me to accept that a sex stimulator, for example, is a ". . . thing consisting of or containing matter to be read or looked at or both . . .". I would have thought that this object was to be used for other purposes.諷刺的是,2009 年,影視處(現併入了頗有共產中國命名風的「通訊事務管理局辦公室」,簡稱「通訊辦」)竟然用放蛇行動,「揭發」並起訴旺角信和中心內一間性商店展示假陽具這類「不雅物品」,可惜小商戶人微財薄,沒有以「新人」案的判詞據理力爭,反而認罪算數(不好意思,詳見本網誌又一舊文)。
「新人」案本身也有兩個非常諷刺的地方。淫審條例第 18 條 (c) 指「凡物品經評定為第 I 類或第 II 類,…… 如於該評定類別生效後向任何人發布該物品,數量在 2 份以上時, 須 ……」。Findlay 法官認為,條例所管制的「物品」,理論上是可以發布 (publish) 多於兩件的。銅像可以展示,卻不可以「發布」。
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大衛「孿生兄弟」的「細佬」的樹葉(1857 年) |
This is a very clear indication that the law-maker did not have sculptures in mind as articles. This provision contemplates an archive in which copies of articles submitted would be kept. Surely, no one in his right mind would think that a statue should, in the normal course, regardless of the classification, be kept in a repository for 5 years. I cannot believe that the law-maker intended this. It would amount to, in the case of individual works of art such as statues, to a draconian confiscation provision.諷刺地,當年影視處竟然用紙版製的樹葉遮蓋銅像的「重要部位」,真的為銅像添了包裝,不過我得指出,影視處作為大不列顛殖民地的下級部門,是非常忠於大英帝國傳統的。話說 1857 年,維多利亞女王參觀了 South Kensington Museum 新展出的大衛像複製品。本來依比例計,不少港男的「細佬」都比大衛像的雄偉,然而大衛像本身有五、六米高,細雞都變大雞。究竟女王陛下是否仰視此「大偉」的雞雞時遭嚇倒,現已無從稽考,但博物館見女王大驚失色,為免日後冒犯其他女士,就製作了一塊半米高的樹葉,加上特製掛鉤,掛在大衛的重要部位之上了。
伸延閱讀:David's fig leaf, perhaps by D. Brucciani & Co., about 1857; Victoria and Albert Museum