


Two scientists create a holographic projector. One day, the device starts generating images of a human fetus. The two watch as the fetus matures into a baby, a young girl, then a full grown woman, growing at a rate of ten years a day. They find out that Nola, as she calls herself, was once a young woman who lived in the early twentieth century. They debate over whether or not Nola is a real human soul somehow integrated into their hologram generator.

Kevin, the lead scientist, begins to fall in love with this impossible creation. He begins spending more time at the lab than at home, his home life deteriorating over the few days. Nola talks with Kevin about her father and how he tried to keep her burgeoning intellectual desires from flourishing. They discuss the poetry of Yeats. During day five, an adult Nola describes her pregnancy and relives a miscarriage of losing a baby girl. The other scientist, Dan, later discovers the miscarriage was the cause of Nola's death, and that Robert, Nola's husband in real life, never forgave himself for her death; Robert died of a broken heart soon after.

As the holographic Nola ages and nears her farewell, she uses a voice modifier machine to call Kevin's wife, Carol. Posing as Kevin, Nola tells her to come pick him up. In the final conversation between Kevin and Nola, it is revealed that Kevin is a reincarnation of Robert. He brings out the Yeats book and reads a passage. As they tearfully acknowledge the passage, Nola fades away as Kevin's wife enters the lab. They have an emotional reunion. Carol is then quite surprised and delighted as a child's toy ball, as real and substantive as anything, bounces out of the holographic chamber and lands in her hands.
上述情節,乃經典科幻片集《迷離境界》(The Twilight Zone) 其中一集,題為 Her Pilgrim Soul (YouTube 上仍有得看)。無記劇集抄西片橋段,都唔係第一次啦,不過將別人整個故事橋段,當成是劇中角色創作的小說故事,大剌剌唸出來,就簡直係厚面皮指數爆燈。大概編劇認為既是西片,又是八五年的舊劇,抄了都無人知。欺香港觀眾無人也。

