Taken(2008 年電影,港譯《救參96小時》):
電視連續劇 Castle(港譯《賈神探》)第二季第四集(去年播放),當中有一名為 Fletcher 的騙徒,自稱北極探險家,遊說各學校贊助他的北極之旅。名義上,Fletcher 到達北極後,會將實況即場轉播至學校課堂,但實情是他用特攝手法將自宅裝扮成北極的模樣。幾位探員與 Castle 討論此騙案,談及有小學生信以為真,寫信給 Fletcher。Castle 將其中一封信讀出:
Castle: Dear Mr Fletcher, do penguins really wear tuxedos?
Ryan: (指出錯誤)Penguins are South Pole [animals].
Montgomery: (語帶責備)Hey, these are six-years-old kids.
仲有 Zombieland
回覆刪除Columbus: You know there's a place untouched by all this crap?
Tallahassee: Back east, yeah?
Columbus: Yeah. Yeah. You heard the same thing?
Tallahassee: Out west, we hear it's back east. Back east, they hear it's out west. It's all just nonsense. You know, you're like a penguin on the North Pole who hears the South Pole is really nice this time of the year.
Columbus: There are no penguins on the North Pole.
Tallahassee: You wanna feel how hard I can punch?