>>> Donald Tsang
> We must take the Hong Kong people's aspirations to heart.
Agree. Please tell Beijing to do the same.
> This is time for all of us to focus on the overall interests and long-term development of Hong Kong.
Overall interests ... defined by whom?
> This is a time for seeking consensus, not differences.
If you really want to convey consensus, why don't you organise a referendum (or a vote of preference, if that matters)? Constitutional reform is no ordinary subject. Twelve years have passed. We still don't see any sign of getting a genuine universal suffrage of Chief Executive (and Legco members). The people of Hong Kong deserve the right to express their preferences in this matter.
> This is a time to abandon impractical demands.
Why is universal suffrage of CE in 2012 impractical? Is it because
Please don't disguise the decision of the Standing Committee of NPC as an explanation. That Beijing doesn't like it is one thing, whether it is practical is another. As the chief executive of HK government, you should demand Beijing to explain why universal suffrage in 2012 is impractical.
> This is a time for rational and open discussions.
Asking for universal suffrage in the near term is not irrational. Banning it without any reason is. Just stop playing rhetoric and tell Beijing to become more rational.
> This is a time that we move forward.
The people of Hong Kong always try to do that. But Beijing prevents us from doing so. Now it is time for you to step forward and convince Beijing to move forward.
Best regards,
The suffocated
翻叮方案鞏固小圈子選舉及保皇勢力, 非但沒有前進, 而是倒退.