

《星島日報》報道「東突威嚇京奧 港成恐襲目標」稱:
一個新興的東突(疆獨)恐怖組織,昨在互聯網上發布約三分鐘的錄影聲明,聲稱一手炮製兩死十四傷的昆明巴士爆炸等四宗案件 ……

曾多次發放恐怖組織蓋達錄影帶的美國一間監察恐怖活動的機構 IntelCenter,昨在其網站表示,自稱「突厥斯坦伊斯蘭黨」(Turkistan Islamic Party)的東突組織,昨天(美國時間本月二十五日)發放了一段視頻,全片長約三分鐘,顯示在本月二十三日拍攝 ……
大佬,東突係 East Turkestan Islamic Movement,唔係 Turkistan Islamic Party。有「突厥斯坦」就當東突,同有鬚就認老頭有乜唔同?至於這個 TIP 的聲明,橫看豎看都是在吹牛。按 IntelCenter 的繙譯:
Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) Commander Seyfullah in video dated 23 Jul. 2008: "Through this blessed jihad in Yunnan this time, the Turkistan Islamic Party warns China one more time. Our aim is to target the most critical points related to the Olympics. We will try to attack Chinese central cities severely using the tactics that have never been employed. We warn China and the international community for the last time that those spectators, athletes, particularly the Muslims, who are planning to attend the Olympics, please change your intention from going to China. Please do not stand together with the faithless people. The Turkistan Islamic Party volunteers will conduct violent military actions against individuals, departments, venues, and activities that are related to the Olympics in China."
Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) Commander Seyfullah in threat dated 1 Apr. 2008: "Our damullah, Abdul Heq, made his final order to the [person] responsible for the military regarding the issue of severely attacking all central cities in inner China, particularly focusing on eight cities that are going to hold Olympic games. ... ask our merciful Allah to allow these brothers and sisters [suicide bombers] to deal a fatal blow in this jihad against Chinese & we ask our merciful Allah to completely stop Olympic Games. ... Bomb Chinese government buildings, military barracks, airplanes, airports, railways, hotels, entertainment venues, tourist spots and similar places...You're even permitted to use biological weapons this time."
昆明的公車何時變了 government buildings, military barracks, airplanes, airports, railways, hotels, entertainment venues, tourist spots or similar places? 主辦和協辦是次奧運的城市,《星島日報》自己都識講,係七個,唔係八個。其實《星島日報》寫多點新疆的情況,給多點背景資料,勝過把 TIP 的靠嚇聲明煲大來講。

