
2 Girls 1 Cup 盲人版

小奧私陸《2 Girls 1 Cup》「展示小眾口味怎樣透過互聯網傳播而對大眾的衝擊」。從留言看,讀者似乎之前多未看過這一代 cult 片,究竟是華人(或小奧的讀者)較洋人純情還是他們較為內向,少探索外面的世界,我不清楚,不過《2 Girls 1 Cup》之無遠弗屆,恐怕連小奧也低估了。

Porn for the Blind 是一個非牟利網站,目的是給失明人士介紹合適的色情網站,志願者以錄音方式說明色情網站的地址及簡介猛片內容。現時網站推介的項目已超過五十個,《2 Girls 1 Cup》是其中之一。聽著志願者一邊一本正經地推介,一邊忍笑或不由自主地走音、清喉嚨,覺得這個機構很有「人」的味道。英文字由 F 學起,只是這次是屎尿屁而不是粗口,如何向失明人士說明《2 Girls 1 Cup》的內容,以下是有心人 (?) 的示範
We fade in to see two girls fully dressed, one blonde, one with black hair.

The one with black hair is ... trying to take off the one in the blue shirt's top while looking on her breast (旁白的聲音有點顫抖).

We then cut away to the one in black hair, defecating it to a cup ... quite a lot (忍不住笑) ...

Then we cut away to the two of them looking the cup of feces like it were an icecream cone.

Cut away again, the girl who is now wearing deep blue eye shadow is consuming a small portion of the excrement and then swallows it and smiles at the camera.

Now they're making out with a large quantity of excrement in both their mouths.

The girl in the blue top has just vomitted on top of the cup filled with excrement and the girl in black hair is looking and sucking on the vomit [???, 3:15].

Now the (乾咳) ... we cut away (有點走音) and the girl in black hair is vomitting into the mouth of the girl with blonde hair.

Now they are doing it in reverse.

And for the last shot there is a very large amount of excrement in one of their mouths but the other one is kind trying to [???, 3:41] it, I think, of the mouth, and we then fade out.

