
A May Sing Grace

羅慧娟離世,各報章因她的藝人身份,都把消息登於娛樂版。類似做法雖然常見,但將訃聞放在「娛樂」版,始終予人冷血之感。《明報》一邊以斗大的標題寫着「明報記者林祖傑新加坡直擊」,一邊將名曲 Amazing Grace 串成 A May Sing Grace,意外地為這則新聞添了幾分娛樂價值。
阿May(我帶着情意 ~ 一絲絲悽愴 ~ )

如此編輯錯誤,難免招人訕笑,然而正所謂「剃人頭者,人亦剃其頭」,當網民笑得好過癮嘅時候,話唔定自己舐咗嘢都唔知。親子王國網站就有網民諷刺「乜May 都可以有a 開頭架咩? 」大概是英雄所見略同,babynet.com.hk 亦有人話「首先 May開頭係唔可以用 A, 大家都應該知啦!

其實,May 是可以用 A 開頭的。英語一向都有類似的文法,就是在 Mr/Mrs/Miss 某某之前冠以 a。Thomson and Martinet (1980), A Practical English Grammar, 3/e, p.2:
a can be placed before Mr/Mrs/Miss + surname:
a Mr Smith    a Mrs Smith    a Miss Smith
a Mr Smith means ‛a man called Smith’ and implies that he is a stranger to the speaker. Mr Smith, without a, implies that the speaker knows Mr Smith or knows of his existence.
當說話者談及 ‛a Mr Smith’ 的時候,意思就是說他並不認識此 Mr Smith。換成中文,就是「有位史密夫先生」。

上面的八十年代文法書仍要求放在 a 之後的人名必須是「Mr/Mrs/Miss + surname」的形式,近年則逐漸多見一些「a + first name」的寫法,例如某報就有一則心理學新聞謂:
Mails sent from an Alexander were clicked on 102 per cent more times than those from a Kevin.
網上論壇流行,不少人都只用一個 first name 作用戶代號,由於代號可能重覆,當一用戶談及另一用戶時,為求方便,亦會用「a + first name」形式的稱呼。實例
A Justin said put some braces on the frame I would add an angle to the gear box so that it has a solid mount where the ears broke off to keep the JBWeld from breaking and then two angle braces one on each side from mid height down at a 45 degree angle to the base.
阿 May
回說 A May Sing Grace。英語 grace 有多重解釋,例如除了「恩典」,也可以解作謝飯禱告。Cambridge Dictionaries Online:
grace noun ( PRAYER )
[C or U] a prayer said by Christians before a meal to thank God for the food
The children always say grace at school.
若某位阿 May 是將禱告唱出來而非說出來,就是 A May Sings Grace 了。當然,由於 A May 是第三身單數,Sing 要改成 Sings 才對,不過,若 May 是印度人,作了多則無題但著名的謝飯禱告,那麼,當我們提及其禱告時,也許就會說此是 …(希望謝飯不要變成噴飯才好)… A May Singh Grace (或 A May Singh's Grace)了。

伸延閱讀:阿May sing(s) grace; Littleho's Blog

