兩週前急用電腦,但開不了機。我心想,若非開關掣太潮濕,就是火牛(變壓器)有問題。因今次不能乾等,唯有打開機殼,用風筒吹內籠,卻無效,只好死死氣問樓下的電腦舖老闆,開關有無得替換,答案亦一如所料 ── 無。心中正大呼不妙,打算為了一顆開關掣而更換整個機殼之際,老闆竟然吐出珍貴情報:
「你部機個 Reset 掣有無問題?」
「咁,掉轉開關同 Reset 兩條線來插咪得囉!」
「咦?乜 Reset 掣唔係三針嘅咩?」(我印象中如此)
多謝老闆,果然 work。
無驚無險過了兩星期,誰知剛才又出事 ── BIOS detect 唔到 harddisk!
這次情節嚴重得多,你知啦,電腦嘅嘢,最大鑊係壞 harddisk。無咗 data,比失去其他部件更無法彌補。
絕望之下,唯有一試老闆教落的「掉轉插」絕招。今次,我將 DVD drive 同 harddisk 兩條 SATA 線掉轉插。
你現在能看到這篇網誌,已經說明結果如何。記住啦,潮濕開唔到機,可以試下互換 cables 的插位!
回覆刪除- 王小發
回覆刪除王小發,咁都畀你搵到,真厲害。我部機個開關有好多其他嘢遮住,就算有零件,都唔係咁易換。可以掉轉兩條 cables 就搞掂,算係好好彩。
I would suspect the malfunction was caused by corrosion from the humidity. Once the contacts have already been corroded, blow drying and dehumidifier would not help. In theory, if the computer is kept running most of the time, the heat from the circuit board and the air circulation from the cooling fan should keep the moisture away. Perhaps like a server machine, even home PC should be kept up 24/7.
回覆刪除到底是甚麼導至電腦失靈?少少濕氣,some mild oxidation,甚至金屬部件生鏽都可以。實際原因,誰知呢!總之,我想說的是,sometimes, some silly methods DO work. 這就好像我們有時會拍打電視機一樣。
回覆刪除And keeping the PC on 24/7 is ... I would say, very "American" (i.e. wasteful) ^_^. Certainly it's a good idea to not shut down the computer during the humid days, but being a "cheap 精", I'll never leave the computer turned on 24/7 unless it is given some tasks to do.