相信本博的讀者已經從每日一膠或東南西北看過這段宣傳片, 不過這裏不妨再貼一次:
順帶一提,YouTube 片段中說,「在香港掃街的,十個有八個是大學生」,而觀眾評語中有人概嘆「香港尚且未至於10個大學生8個掃街,但很快就會是事實」,這兩個命題其實是不同的。儘管留言者只是犯了簡單的邏輯錯誤,不過考慮到片段的 context,這兩個命題之間的對比倒是有點黑色幽默。
2) Can Intelligence Agencies Read Overwritten Data?
一般從電腦刪除檔案,只能刪去索引而非其內容,可說是常識,只是如何方可真正刪除電腦檔案?有一個流行的講法,說要將電腦檔案所在的磁區隨機覆寫七次才足夠,否則別人仍可用特別儀器找出磁區上原來資料的痕跡,回復舊檔案。有些商業軟件,也是以用覆寫 N 次來刪除檔案的方式作賣點。其實簡單地將每個磁區都覆寫為 0 或 1 一次,是否真的不足?隨機覆寫七次才足夠,是否都市傳說?
3) How to Read the Bible by James Kugel
本書作者 James Kugel 是從哈佛大學退休的希伯來文學者,也是猶太教徒。我還未讀此書,所以沒有書評,然而亞馬遜網站的讀者似多認為此書難得一見,既大部頭又易讀,通俗與學術並重,且涵蓋不少敏感話題,所以我非常興奮地訂購了一本,正熱切期待中。
4) 蕭愷一先生回應本博《蕭愷一錯評高考卷》一文
見蕭先生留言。西諺說 put yourself into another's shoes,E.H. Gombrich 也說批評往往出於不瞭解對方的想法,所以能夠多些互相理解,總是好的。
5) 講旅遊,不必講名勝
片中少女說 fish balls 不是 fish testicles,當然是拿英語中睪丸的俗稱 "balls" 來開玩笑,不過呢 …… 魚有睪丸的嗎?網上有些人說有,有些則說 fish testicles 只是俗稱,究竟誰才對呢?
6) 爬蟲謎題
有 N ≥ 3 隻蟲子在一塊無限平面上循直線爬行,它們的起點不盡相同,彼此的方向也絕不平行(即任何兩隻蟲子都不會往相同或相反方向爬行),不過速度均等。試證明,當它們出發後,總有一個時間,各蟲的位置會形成一個凸多邊形 (convex polygon)。
7) The Oppenheim's formula
This little-known cool trick can be attributed to a Prof. A. Oppenheim. Given the real part u(x,y) of an analytic function f(z) = u(x,y) + i v(x,y), it is a standard exercise in Complex Analysis to work out v(x,y) and f(z). The conventional solution is to apply the Cauchy-Riemann equations: since ux = vy and uy = -vx, we have
∫ ux dy = ∫ vy dy = v(x,y) + some function of x,Therefore, if we plug in the upper and lower limits of integration, we can determine v(x,y) up to an arbitrary constant.
-∫ uy dx = ∫ vx dx = v(x,y) + some function of y.
In the above calculations, one needs to perform differentiation (on u) and integration (on the partial derivatives). In the magical Oppenheim formula, however, you don't need to differentiate or integrate at all! Here is the formula:
f(z) = 2 u( z/2, z/(2i) ) + c,where c is a constant.
Thank you. It was most gracious of you to let my rebuttal be heard. I really appreciate that.
don't have a strict prove for 6, just a framewoek:
回覆刪除1) any three dots travelling in non-parallel directions will tend to flatten as a straight line
2) For N>3 and non-convex, any non-convex angles will eventually flatten . So it became a convex paragon