
Fred Rogers

轉載自 xkcd.com:

這 … 真的近乎聖人了。

上維基百科,查一查 Fred Rogers 是何許人,發現當錄影機剛剛面世,電視企業曾經企圖以訴訟方式管制錄影機的使用方法及收費制度,而 Fred Rogers 身為教育家及電視節目 "Neighborhood" 的製作人,卻贊成一般家庭自由錄影。他於最高法院所作供詞,亦被法官收錄入判詞之內:
Some public stations, as well as commercial stations, program the "Neighborhood" at hours when some children cannot use it ... I have always felt that with the advent of all of this new technology that allows people to tape the "Neighborhood" off-the-air, and I'm speaking for the "Neighborhood" because that's what I produce, that they then become much more active in the programming of their family's television life. Very frankly, I am opposed to people being programmed by others. My whole approach in broadcasting has always been "You are an important person just the way you are. You can make healthy decisions." Maybe I'm going on too long, but I just feel that anything that allows a person to be more active in the control of his or her life, in a healthy way, is important.

