
Myst 答客問

網友 Linos

Robyn Miller(弟?)

Robyn Miller 是弟弟,比哥哥 Rand Miller 小七歲,他自從 Myst II: Riven (1998 年) 完成之後已離開 Cyan,沒有參與 Myst 系列的製作,直至最近 Myst 製作 iPhone 版,才回巢幫忙。幾年前發行的 Myst IV: Revelation 內的 Sirrus,其實是由另一人 (Brian Wrench) 飾演。

一篇刊於 SpokesmanReview.com 的訪問指 Robyn 當初離開是為了「追尋其他興趣」 (pursue other interests),英文維基百科亦採用了這種語焉不詳的說法。有篇刊於 Feed Magazine 的訪問倒是解釋得較深入:
FEED: Why did you decide to leave gaming for film?

MILLER: While working on Riven I got a little frustrated with the medium of game making. Story has always been my real interest and I had always wanted to infuse as much story as possible into an interactive environment. But the limitations of that sort of environment began to become a bit obvious during the Riven project. Creating a believable setting wasn't the issue; setting and environment is probably what is most powerfully portrayed through interactivity. But creating believable characters, orchestrating the drama, creating a provocative pacing... these elements seemed so impossibly far out of reach. It was a bit maddening and a bit discouraging. In an interactive game, the audience are the ones who are in control -- they define the story -- the artist just sort of sets the stage. I guess I just started to find this a bit dissatisfying.
這段表述非常有趣,也令人相當意外。一直以來,玩家都把 Myst 系列「側重謎題和環境,但故事薄弱」的特點看成它與傳統歷險遊戲的最大分別之處,有些純粹主義者更批評像 Myst 這種欠缺故事細節的遊戲根本不能算是歷險遊戲,可是以上的訪問卻顯示 Robyn 比這些批評者還要激進 ── 他不單重視故事,對用現時用遊戲說故事的方式感到不滿,更似乎認為藝術家不應該讓玩家奪去故事發展的主導權。所以,不必再想玩家如何與其他遊戲角色互動了,Robyn 可能連「遊戲」都想去掉,只說故事!

順帶一提,前述 SpokesmanReview.com 的訪問有個值得注意,但其他媒體很少提及的地方,就是 Rand Miller 提到 Myst 和 Riven 的製作費:"We created Myst on a shoestring budget of $\$$650,000. Riven cost more than $\$$10 million." 原來六十五萬美金是 shoestring budget …… 若是給以 Dark Fall 成名的 Johnathan Boakes 看到,不知他有何感想。

