Dear all,you might want to refer to the below link for more details of this topic: you that next Thur night, at Victory Park!!
好懸疑 ……點解叫我睇返自己D文章?唔通 sam 是一個實驗程式,目的是把相關的文章連在一起,然後模仿人類,作出推介?
suffocated 君,sorry if I didn't make myself clear enough. I was afraid that the readers don't get the meaning of "Freudian slip" you referred to, so I reminded them to read your previous blog entry.but I must admit that I did well in resembling the robot...
哈哈,應該話係模仿 android 而唔係模仿 robot 啦!Android, cyborg 同 robot 是有分別的。倘若有讀者不明白甚麼叫 Freudian slip,讓我解釋一下:其實就是說溜了口的意思啦。一個兒童不宜,但是於成人世界最常見的例子,就是兩個人在搞野之時,其中一人說出了第三者的名字,這種情況,真係水洗都唔清 XD
Dear all,
回覆刪除you might want to refer to the below link for more details of this topic:
see you that next Thur night, at Victory Park!!
好懸疑 ……
回覆刪除點解叫我睇返自己D文章?唔通 sam 是一個實驗程式,目的是把相關的文章連在一起,然後模仿人類,作出推介?
suffocated 君,
回覆刪除sorry if I didn't make myself clear enough. I was afraid that the readers don't get the meaning of "Freudian slip" you referred to, so I reminded them to read your previous blog entry.
but I must admit that I did well in resembling the robot...
哈哈,應該話係模仿 android 而唔係模仿 robot 啦!Android, cyborg 同 robot 是有分別的。
Freudian slip,讓我解釋一下:其實就是說溜了口的意思啦。一個兒童不宜,但是於成人世界最常見的例子,就是兩個人在搞野之時,其中一人說出了第三者的名字,這種情況,真係水洗都唔清 XD