

寫在前面:今日 (2008-05-02) 是香港政治史上黑暗的一天。我等蟻民既無法力挽狂瀾,唯有寄情小說。



當我第一次看到這裏的時候,不禁想:「有無咁誇張呀?」但原來敵前迴旋這回事在現實中是確曾發生的。歷史上首次有記錄的敵前迴旋發生於公元前二一七年。當時迦太基名將漢尼拔‧巴卡 (Hannibal Barca, 247-183 BC) 在第二次布匿戰爭 (The Second Punic War) 中反擊羅馬帝國,節節勝利,長驅直入意大利本土。在抵達意大利中部的 Etruria 地區後,為了向羅馬在意大利的盟邦顯示羅馬並沒保護他們的能力,以期瓦解他們與羅馬的聯盟,漢尼拔便大肆破壞古城 Arretium 週邊的田地,引誘駐留在當地的羅馬執政官 Gaius Flaminius 和他決戰。然而 Flaminius 不為所動,留在營地不出,於是漢尼拔便大膽地繞過羅馬軍的左側,截斷其通往羅馬的道路。但 Flaminius 依然堅守,漢尼拔便揮軍直指意大利南部。最後 Flaminius 決定從後追趕,在通過 Trasimene 湖(位於 Curtun 和 Perusia 之間,見上圖)湖畔的狹道時遭漢尼拔伏擊戰死,羅馬軍全軍覆沒,史稱 The Battle of Lake Trasimene。

這種繞過敵人主力,深入後方,迫使敵方棄守出擊的戰術,軍事上稱為迂迴運動 (turning movement)。美國國防部對迂迴運動所下的定義是這樣的:
Turning movement: A variation of the envelopment in which the attacking force passes around or over the enemy's principal defensive positions to secure objectives deep in the enemy's rear to force the enemy to abandon his position or divert major forces to meet the threat.

References: Wikipedia - Hannibal, 漢尼拔, The Battle of Lake Trasimene.

The above figure: A map showing the extent of Etruria and the Etruscan civilization. The map includes the 12 cities of the Etruscan League and notable cities founded by the Etruscans. It is based on a map from National Geographic, vol. 173, no.6, June 1988. The dates on the map are only approximations. The map document is authored by NormanEinstein and is licensed under GNU-FDL. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation license, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation license".

