不知你有沒有這樣的經驗:偶然翻開昔日所寫的東西,驚訝自己竟可以寫得這樣無聊和白痴。剛才在搜尋往日的履歷表時,發現 N 年前在某實驗室工作時所寫的個人網頁。其實當時年紀也不算小了,可能自己仍未夠成熟,「大唔透」吧。
五年或十年後重看今日這個 blog,可能也會有同樣的感覺。
(由於 Blogspot 會自動修改你的 HTML,所以下面的設計和原先的有點出入。)
The Person
[My name here]. Programmer. Mathematics lover. Son of two parents. Grandson of four grandparents. Younger brother of a theology student. Elder brother of a news photo editor. Currently single and available ^_^
Interests & Hobbies
Science, science fictions, computer, computer games, mathematics, mathematics education, statistics, how to lie with statistics, history, how to manipulate history, making money, spending money. Other interests and hobbies include: music, movies, watching Agent Mulder and Agent Sculley, comics, hiking, softball. Women. |
Sorry 我一見到 "Son of two parents. Grandson of four grandparents." 呢2句,再諗番你既年齡,我就好想笑。XD呢2句既發笑程度真係拍得住我睇一次就笑一次的action 52,我都唔知恭唔恭喜你好。XD